Alcibiades’ speech most obviously serves to show that Socrates embodies the qualities of the ideal lover describes in Diotima’s speech. He seems completely detached from physical pleasures, indifferent to Alcibiades’ sexual advances, and seeks only to lead Alcibiades and others toward wisdom. Also, Alcibiades’ description of Socrates on military operations suggests that he is tough and brave, similar to Diotima’s physical characterization of Love.
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Throughout the play Socrates questioned his peers’ wisdom in a way that resulted in them being confused and mistaken. His questioning lead his peers to an impasse, where the speaker was embarrassed, baffled, and forced to rethink his beliefs. Alcibiades speech showed that Socrates does the same thing in romantic pursuits. By showing disinterest in sexual stimulation, Socrates deconstructed Alcibiades’ beliefs about how lovers should interact. Socrates’ behavior, just like his questioning, left Alcibiades baffled, confused, and forced to rethink his assumptions about