How would you feel if someone was programmed to love you? This is exactly what robot pets are doing. When you own a robot pet, it is automatically set to love its owner. This creates a false sense of love that the owner feels. In the article “Love In the Time of Robots” by Frank Mullin, he writes “ When a nuzzle is given by an aloof biological cat, the owner may feel a rush of pride at having such earned an honor. But what of a robotic cat?” (Mullin 3). This quote proves that a person who owns a robotic pet may not have the same feeling of happiness than owning a real pet because they know that this love is artificial. One might oppose by saying that robot pets care/entertain the elderly population. However, what is the point of playing with these robot pets knowing in the back of your head that they will love you no matter what you do?
No matter how many emotions a robotic pet can give you, at …show more content…
However, different people will have different views on robot pets. Many argue and will argue that robotic pets are a great help to the elderly and others will say that entertaining the elderly could lead to social isolation. Nevertheless, each and every day, more and more people will buy robot pets. But hopefully, they think a little harder before investing in such a expensive inanimate