
Love - Romeo and Juliet

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Love - Romeo and Juliet
Love and Romance

Romantic love can end in death, but love can be presented in such a manner that can be shown to be courageous and unconditional. Additionally, the so-called "romantic" comedies may feature a certain degree of tension between romantic and anti-romantic elements. Marriage—typically viewed as the goal of romantic love—is also treated ambiguously by Shakespeare. For example you have Edward and Bella from the Twilight Series, like Romeo and Juliet they both make stupid decisions regarding their love for each other.

It seems extreme that Romeo and Juliet would start kissing so quickly after meeting, but according to “The Science of Romance” it makes sense. It says that “testosterone is found in higher concentrations in men than in women”. Romeo and Juliet kiss after meeting because he’s trying to encourage her to be more intimate with him. After all, kissing can lead to sex.

The next extreme behavior was how Romeo risked his life to see Juliet. In the article “The Science of Romance”, it says that “at the moment of a kiss, there is a rich and complicated exchange of postural, physical and chemical information”. The balcony scene in the play talks about how Romeo and Juliet see each other and talk about their love for one another. This leads to them wanting to get married as soon as possible.

At first, it was arranged for Juliet to marry Paris, now she and Romeo have only met for a day and want to get married the next. The same article says that “the idea that even one primal part of the brain is involved in processing love would be enough to make the feeling powerful”. For only meeting a day and wanting to get married the next, takes a lot of love toward that one person.

Now that Romeo and Juliet are married, Romeo’s personality changed big time. In the other article “The Science of Love”, it talks about prairie voles and how they mate. It says that “they prefer to spend time with each other, groom each other

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