The first year I pretty much assumed that my fiancé would know what those days were to me, considering he has been with me for seven years and endured the death of my father with me. I should not have assumed, I should have properly communicated with him and explained to him why I was so emotional those days and that it was going to be very hard for me for the next few years probably. There were no arguments about the situation at hand, due to the fact that I did realize that I should have talked to him about it before those dates came …show more content…
So, to ensure proper communication in the future, I have spoken with him and warn him a few days before hand about how I might be on those dates. He now understands and we have no miscommunication on the subject. I am all about talking things out and making things clear. I do not like things getting misconstrued and twisted. “Take responsibility for your communication behavior. Strive to be truthful, accurate, and clear in your communication with others.” Sole, K. (2011) Family can get things really misconstrued on the communication factor, I might add. Family assumes because you have not called them that there is some kind of problem. My fiancé and I have that problem with each of our families. We are really busy and just get caught up in life and we do not always call certain family members, as they would like us to anyway. If they come to visit unexpectedly and we are not really talking much, they assume the worst; when really we are just super