The term Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write or in other words the ability to use a language for reading, writing, listening and speaking.
In Pakistan the literacy rate is very low; First of all literacy is defined here as the people over 15 years of age who can read and write. According to 2005 estimate 54% percent of the population is literature, 63 percent of which are male and the remaining female.
Literacy:definition: age 10+ and over can read and write
Totalpopulation: 54% male: 63% female: 36% (2005 est.) It has been sixty years of independence but still we, as nations, have been unable to attain fiftypercent of literacy rate. A nation cannot achieve development without taking any meaningful steps for sound educational development. History has witnesses that no nation has been able to accelerate in terms of development without considering the aims and objectives of Pakistan.
Education provides a tool for development to nations. Pakistan is one of the developing countries that is thriving for improvement in this area. Each and every government has launched a stream of five year plans that were arranged so as to fulfill the Millennium Development goals.
However all resulted in vain since there was no or meager improvement in this regard. A lower literacy rate is an outcome despite such acts. Since the inception, education is the most neglected area and the situation did not improve despite of taken measure to educate people.
Even there is a large population who did not receive basic education. It was 15 years back, the government allotted 2.6 % of the G.D.P for the progression of education however, to add injury to an insult, it was limited to 1.8% and the situation got worst. There are other developing nations like Turkey which allot most of its
References: MAHMOOD, NAUSHIN (1999), Educational Development in Pakistan: Trends, Issues, and Policy Concerns PASHA, A.G. et al. (1998), ‘Social and Economic Development Ranking of Districts of Pakistan’, Research Report, Social Policy and Development Centre CENSUS ORGANIZATION (1984), 1981 Census Reports. ——— (2002), 1998 Census Reports.