People who work in low paying jobs are usually in most instances people who did not complete their high education to tertiary so opt for lower paying jobs to obtain income to fend for themselves. This means that they are now at higher risk of living poor lives especially if they have more expenses than necessary like maybe having to buy tobacco which they are addicted to in some cases. We then look at if people with low paying jobs who smoke have any intentions to quit smoking because tobacco is being bought with money and this could lead to serious financial difficulties and escalating poverty among people. According to a research done by (Tucker-Seeley et al., 2015) in the United States of America in the low income housing
People who work in low paying jobs are usually in most instances people who did not complete their high education to tertiary so opt for lower paying jobs to obtain income to fend for themselves. This means that they are now at higher risk of living poor lives especially if they have more expenses than necessary like maybe having to buy tobacco which they are addicted to in some cases. We then look at if people with low paying jobs who smoke have any intentions to quit smoking because tobacco is being bought with money and this could lead to serious financial difficulties and escalating poverty among people. According to a research done by (Tucker-Seeley et al., 2015) in the United States of America in the low income housing