With the advancement of Industry Lowell started to operate textile plants. From the early 1800’s to the 1850’s the number of plants doubled, tripled, and quadrupled. This boom in industry caused Lowell to come up with new ways to produce items. These plants produced many different items. However, it was not the items that were produced that were unique, it was how they were produced that was. In Lowell the use of female labor was much higher here than in most of the rest of the country. By 1836, out of the 6,000 employees in the town, 5,000 were women. (The Northern Nation- The two Nations, 2011). Women were paid less then men, however they had more chances to learn and get an education than anywhere else in the entire United States. Lowell also was producing textiles at a higher rate than anywhere. In fact they produced more than the entire south combined. This was what made the town so unique. Not only were they producing textiles at such an extreme rate, they were using women to do it. This set the mold so to speak for a form the rest of the country could follow in the wake of their success.
In the booming economy of the industrial revolution, Lowell Massachusetts was setting the pace and style for what was to come. It was these styles that set the pace for the rest of the country.
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