Upper administration was constraining us to stop the appropriating however declined to supply assets for additional staff or reconnaissance cams. We attempted a few procedures without achievement, including the task of workers to distinctive ranges of the store amid the day. At long last, one day we got a cheat in the demonstration of leaving the store with a duffel sack brimming with stock. By now I had been elevated to partner supervisor (on my companion's suggestion), and it was my business to review the pack. I found inside it an archive, arranged by my companion, that definite when certain territories of the store would be unsupervised. Just I knew of my companion's contribution. I was willfully ignorant, on the grounds that I had known him for a long time and thought I was an exact judge of his character. At first, I felt committed to ensure him. I went to him in mystery to discuss what I discovered and requested that he quit doing that. He then expressed nobody is going to know with he and I dealing with the spot. So he never halted. On the other hand, after some idea, I reported him to the store director, by giving the store supervisor the design of the scheme so at first, my companion was gotten and the store, who embraced the vital blueprint. I think the value that is most important in this situation is the justice approach, it holds that moral decisions must be based on standards of equity, fairness, and impartiality. The alternative is practical approach because I almost didn't