It is brewed from barley grains, hops, sugar, yeast and water.
The barley is turned to malt
The taste comes from oils and resins in the hop flowers
Wheat or millet can also be used to make beer
It is an extremely old drink and has been made since before Roman times
There are different types of beer. The different types are made by using different strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and by changing the fermentation process.
Barley is soaked in water and spread out to germinate
When shoots appear the barley is dried to stop further growth
During the germination enzymes change starch in the grains to sugar.
When getting heated the malt changes colour, the beer gets darker the longer it gets heated
The malt gets grounded and becomes grist
It is then mashed with water at 65 degrees.
The sugars from the malt dissolve in water, which turns it to wort
Hops are added and then the wort is boiled for up to two hours
The boiling is done to extract the bitter flavour from the hops and stops enzyme activity. It also sterilises the wort.
The wort is then put through filters and cooled to 20 degrees, it is then pumped into the fermenting vessels
Yeasts are added to the wort where it grows and converts the sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide
The temperature needs to be controlled at different depending is you want to make ale or lager. Lager needs to be between 12 and 21 degrees while ale needs to be between 8 and 12 degrees
Ale take between 4 and 6 day while lager can take up to two weeks to be ready
While fermentation is happening the yeast population gets six times larger
It is one of the most important yeasts as it is used in many different things such as wine, beer and bread
In nature yeast cells are usually found on ripe fruits like grapes
While making the beer there are some things that can go wrong, including:
The lactic acid bacteria and acetic