The Lucifer effect refers to a transformation of human character that causes good people to commit evil actions. The effect was seen in the experiment where the prisoners and the guards started to become hostile towards one another even though they weren’t like so before the experiment.
2. What are “shield laws” and what role did they played in the Weinstein Decision?
Shield laws are laws that protect researchers from being forced to reveal their sources in a court of law. When stating how shield laws are relevant in the Weinstein Decision, the relevance is that in the case, that privileged information of sociologists should be treated the same as journalists.
3. What
was the Belmont report about?
A report which proposed altering how Institutional Review Boards so that they wouldn’t interfere with an investigators freedom of research, while also recommending altering the informed consent in the case of field work.
4. What was Project Camelot?
An U.S. research project which studied the student and present uprising in Chile. It was later found out that the information gained from the study was used for government intelligence purposes.
5. Explain (not simply define) what institutional review boards are?
Institutional review boards are college/university research committees that has oversite over research conducted by the college/university, students, faculty, and administration. The primary purpose is to insure that the research proposals are not harmful to possible subjects before being implemented.