• Background
• Annulment Of The Partition Of Bengal
• Jinnah Joins The League
• Signing Of The Lucknow Pact
• Main Points Of The Pact
• Critical Analysis Of The Pact/Conclusion
In the first half of the twentieth century, the Hindu-Muslim controversy was going on but certain events took place that made the Hindus and Muslims to think about the collaboration in their struggle of self-rule.
Annulment Of The Partition Of Bengal:
The annulment of the partition of Bengal in December 1911 shocked the Muslims and they felt convinced that even loyalty to the British government was not enough to safeguard their interests and rights. Thus, the Muslim leadership decided to change the strategy of the Muslim League. As a result, in December 1912, League changed its aim from loyalty to form self-government suitable to India. However, the league retained its rights to modify self-rule in accordance with their needs and requirements.
Jinnah Joins The League:
In the meantime, Jinnah joined the Muslim League. Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s entry into the league also helped to change the attitudes of the Muslims towards the Hindus. He worked day and night for the Hindu-Muslim unity and earned the title of “Ambassador of Unity”. Ultimately his efforts bore fruit and Congress and League held their annual sessions simultaneously at Lucknow. Presiding at the Muslim League session, he advocated the Hindu-Muslim unity by saying,
“Towards the Hindus our attitude should be of goodwill
And brotherly feelings, cooperation in the cause of our
Motherland should be our guiding principle. India’s real
Progress can only be achieved by a true understanding
And harmonious relations between the two great sister
Signing Of The Lucknow Pact:
During the joint session at Lucknow an agreement was signed between the Congress and the League, which is historically known as “The Lucknow Pact” or “Congress-League Scheme.”