On 6 October 1998, Matthew Shepard, a student at the University of Wyoming, met Aaron James McKinney and Russel Arthur Henderson in a bar. The two men, claiming to also be gay, offered to drive Matthew home, but instead brought him to an isolated area, where they took his wallet (containing $20 and a credit card) and his leather shoes. But that was not the end. McKinney and Henderson tied Shepard to a fence, and proceeded to beat him to the point of unconsciousness. He was found 18 hours later, his unconscious body initially mistaken for a fallen scarecrow. The police officer who responded to the 911 call testified, “Though his face was caked in blood, his face was clean where streaks of tears had washed the…
a seasonal basketball tournament. Carter discovers the progress reports filled out by the faculty reveal some of the students have been skipping classes and are struggling academically. Coach Carter initiates a lockdown on the gym, banning the team from playing until they improve their grades. Coach Carter is criticized by parents and academic faculty. The school board eventually confronts Carter who justifies his actions, explaining he wants to give his team the opportunity and option to further education so they won't resort to crime. Coach insisted that achieving a sound education is more important for the students than winning basketball games. In my point of view Coach Carters administration staff and basketball parents were disengaged. The parents did not have vision or hope for their kids,…
I am a member of South Warren High School’s Spirit Club. I have been a member of spirit club since freshmen year. My responsibilities in this club have been to assist design, order, deliver the club shirts for this year, make posters for school sporting and academic events, assist in making goodie bags to pass out to students who excel in a certain area, attend the club meetings, participate in the events the club sets up, and to attend as many sporting events as I…
Focusing on the actions, not the abuse, select one person involved in this case(Assistant Coach/Athletic Director/State Attorney General/School President, etc.) and discuss the following:…
David could utilize one of the organizational structures discussed in the text, to establish a chain of command and/or assign each assistant athletic trainer job duties and responsibilities. If David does decide to accept Judy’s advice and develops an organizational chart it should follow the guidelines of a matrix structure. The vertical elements of this chart show the chain of command in the program. The horizontal elements depict project teams that take advantage of the athletic trainers’ specialization in certain areas. The matrix structure reduces coordination problems and enhances economic efficiency by assigning only the necessary number of athletic trainers to any given project. Ensuring that no one is “stepping on each other’s…
Parkstone Grammar School has a substantial governing body who describe their role as “A critical friend” to the school. The governing body, or school governors are responsible for the admissions to the school, as previously mentioned and the recruitment of…
7. Rely on your athletic director for the advice and support. If he has no advice there is always a friend from…
At stake here are several conflicting values, the concern for a fellow human being, self-preservation, success of the company and the pressure to perform. As VP of the division, I am under scrutiny to deliver substantial results to my president, John Edmonds, to be seen as sensitive to my product managers needs. Lisa Walters, Kathryn’s supervisor, has pressed me for a resource action for boosting staff morale and replacing her with someone who can be more productive. I also feel that Kathryn McNeil is a hard worker who is stuck in a tricky personal situation.…
Organization is a natural progress in maintaining a good work environment for this student. Others in management struggle with this function, but it is vital in maintaining a daily flow and progress of records for budgeting. Planning for future events, meetings, and time-off for employees is essential to maintaining office schedules and time management. This student maintains the physicians daily, weekly, and vacation schedules so that there are minimal problems with scheduling patient appointments and administrative meetings. Controlling is a new task that this student deals with in minimal measure. This student is the contact person in the office because the office is in transition with management in our office. This student updates the interim manager on the needs and issues in our office on a daily and weekly basis giving her the ability to manage her multiple offices without being onsite. Leading is a natural process for this student. In the past, this student has been the manager of our private practice but, with the transition to being a hospital owned office that role has evaporated to the established management team within the organization. The staff still comes to this student with problems and guidance this student is limited to what this student can do but try to help the staff as much as this student…
Extracurricular activities have played an important role in the life of our school district. These activities traditionally…
An athletic administrator there are many student-athlete issues that will arise that athletic directors will need to be prepared for. The first issues I think that an athletic director would need to prepare to face are issues regarding the code of conduct. In conjunction with the school’s code of conduct, the athletics department code of conduct should be familiarized by all student-athletes and parents. All student-athletes should be accountable for his/her actions and should be enforced by the school principal and the athletic director. An athletics orientation will be held before the start of each academic school year stressing the importance of the school and athletics code of conduct. Athletic orientation should include the student-athlete and parents that will cover expectations, rules, regulations, and eligibility requirements, which lead me to my next issue that athletic directors may face.…
At the end of last week, you were called into Mr. Phillips’ office, and Mr. Phillips said, to you, “I have been pleased with your progress with us as a management trainee since you graduated six months ago.” He explained that he felt that the company had gotten large enough to need a personnel manager. Previously, all managers handled most of their own personnel activities, usually on a “casual” basis. Mr. Phillips told you that with the acquisition of the manufacturing firm, “It’s time for us to get our personnel activities organized, and you’re the person to do it.”…
Josh attended Eastern High School during is Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year. Josh is now a twelfth grade student at Whiteoak High School. Josh is very friendly, and respectful to his peers and teachers. Josh participates in class. Josh has been coming to class prepared and has been completing assignments on time. When Josh doesn't understand the material being presented, Josh will ask questions. Josh stated that his goal for this school year are to obtain A's & B's. Josh would like to play baseball, basketball, and shot put. He would also like to make new friends. Josh attends classes in the general education setting with like peers. Josh seems to be getting organized, but has a hard time doing it independently. Josh benefits from keeping…
2. Submit a list to the Principal the anticipated needs of the athletic program and anticipated needs in each sport, and to see that each coach has the requested and approved equipment by the time specified.…
As an Accounting major, I am very interested and have become fond of learning about the varying business aspects within the sports industry. As a result, I decided to conduct my interview with a professional that is associated with the business operations of athletics. The person that I interviewed was Dawn Reynolds, the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Business and Finance here at the University of Miami. After initially getting in contact with Ms. Reynolds a few weeks ago, I was finally able to meet with her briefly and conduct my interview on November 30, 2010, in room 261 in the Hecht Athletics Center. Just to give a bit of background information about Ms. Reynolds, she is from Elmira, New York and now currently resides in Coral Gables, Florida. She graduated from the University of Miami with a major in Finance and started her career at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia where she worked for four years as their budget coordinator. As a past president of the College Athletics Business Managers Association, she was named the College Athletic Business Manager of the Year in 2003 and has since served on various committees including the ACC Finance Committee and chairs the NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee. She has worked with the University of Miami for the past 20 years and is currently the Chief Fiscal Officer for the Department and is a member of the executive management team. Below is a list of ten questions and answers from the interview I conducted:…