The first experiment focused on the reaction between alkaline luminol H2O2, the most common luminol solution, and cysteine, one of the twenty essential amino acids. In this experiment, 105 g=mL cysteine solution, 2.0 105 mol=L Cu(II) solution, and the mixture of 1.0 105 g=mL cysteine with 2.0 105 mol=L Cu(II) were tested. However, no
The first experiment focused on the reaction between alkaline luminol H2O2, the most common luminol solution, and cysteine, one of the twenty essential amino acids. In this experiment, 105 g=mL cysteine solution, 2.0 105 mol=L Cu(II) solution, and the mixture of 1.0 105 g=mL cysteine with 2.0 105 mol=L Cu(II) were tested. However, no