K is a black 8-year-old third grade boy whose native language is English.
D is a black 9-year-old third grade boy whose native language is English
A is a black 8-year-old third grade boy whose native language is English (also has an unknown developmental disability)
Q is a black 8-year-old third grade boy whose native language is …show more content…
D still dominated the conversation in the formal sociogram. Interestingly however, the majority of his initiations (one initiations directed to the teacher from across the room) stemmed around his accomplishments in the computer activity – “I got a new high score” and “And another high score”. As a student who is having to repeat a grade, he might feel it necessary to prove himself as a good student. Likewise, competition seems to be very important for him, so activities that involve team based competitions would help develop his language development skills (Wasik & Iannone-Campbell, 2012). Conversely, K reacts very negatively to competition. For each gloat that D made about his scores, K progressively looked more and more defeated. Ultimately K stopped working on the lesson and just stared at the screen. In the future, K should spend more time working one on one with a teacher to help bolster his math skills to build confidence so that he can interact more efficiently with the other students. K did however respond positively to D when D helped K set up his computer at the beginning of the lesson. Perhaps, in the right setting, D would be a good scaffold and teammate for K in a variety different activities (Wasik & Iannone-Campbell, 2012). Additionally, K’s reaction to D’s competitiveness might be negated due to the fact that they were