Lupus Erythematosus and Its Dental Management
Submitted to: Dr Nahed Attia
Done by: Maryam Bassam Baghdadi
Id: 201500135
Group B
Lupius is a chironic inflamimatory auto-immiune diseiase. Inflamimation cauised by lupus can affiect many diffierent bodiy systiems, incluiding joints, skiin, kidneys, bliood cells, heiart and lunigs. Four tyipes of luipus exist(systiemic, disicoid, drug-indiuced, neoinatal), of tihese, systeimic luipus eryithematosus is the moist comimon and seriious forim of luipus. SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS -SLE-
Systeimic Lupius Erythemiatosus is chrionic inflammiatory multiisystem diseiase of unknoiwn etioliogy. It is an autoimimune diseiase wihere boidy’s immiune systiem (antiibodies …show more content…
Reinal disorder: Protieinuria
9. Hemiatologic disiorder
10. Immiunologic disiorder: Anti-doiuble strandied DNA Ab (50% of patiients), anti-Sm Ab , anti-phospiholipid Ab.
11. Antinuiclear antiibody (ANA), most sensitivie test (preisent in 90%of the patiients)
Laboriatory tests thiat wiill deterimine diaginosis of Luipus
- Seroilogic diaginosis miade by hiigh titre of AiNA detiected by immuinofluoreiscence, but this test doeisn’t detiermine diaignosis beicause miany othier autoimimune disiease hiave posiitive ANA teist.
-Anti-dsDiNA antiibodies deitected biy Critihidia test anid anti-Sm antiibodies are speciific for SiLE (95-98% of the caises) and thiese tests deitermine the diiagnosis of Luipus.
Signs and Symptoms:
The miost comimon manifiestations of SLiE are Arthrialgias and Nonierosive Arithritis occuirs in 95% of patiients, it is symimetric and invoilves smiall joiints of hainds, wriists, and fieet. Thiere is ailso avasicular necirosis (ciause of piain, aloing with arthiritis) and myiositis.
Abnorimalities of the skin, hiair or mucious membiranes are seciond most comimon manifiestation of SLE, occurriing in 85% of