Lymphedema is known as lymphatic obstruction, this condition can and will cause fluid retention and tissue swelling. This is caused by a compromised lymphatic system.
The 1st incident of lymphedema noted on the records was by Sir William Osler for William Milroy, an American physician, who described a case in 1892, though it was first described by Rudolf Virchow in 1863. It is also known as Milroy disease, Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome and hereditary lymphedema. In later years many other causes were found such as cancer surgery where nodes were removed resulting in the term secondary lymphedema. In the last few years with genetic testing we have found mixed edemas such as the person who has the genetic tendency for lymphedema but didn't have it in childhood but who had trauma or surgery and developed it later in life, which is a primary lymphedema patient with secondary causes
Lymphedema is something I have come well familiar with due to my boyfriend has primary Lymphendemia. He was diagnosed -in 2007 but for 4 years no one knows what was wrong with him. Now that he has been diagnosed we are working to control the fluid and the growth. With his condition it has affected his left leg. This condition has changed his whole life. He had to change his diet, clothing, his fluid intake, travel and even his soap. This is a condition that he may have to live with the rest of his life. I say may b/c I believe there will be a cure or if not a cure and plan to protect this condition from taking over the body the way it does.
With having Lymphedema you need to do therapy at least 3-5 days a week depends on what your Doctor puts you on. Therapy consist of massaging the lymph nodes starting from the neck to the shoulders to under the breast to the armpit down to the waist to groin to the inner to outside portion of the thighs and work your way down to the knee to the ankle. The progress is repeated starting from the ankle to the neck once you