There are various inclusion criteria for the patient to be involved in the study such as patients who were diagnosed with hemiplegia due to stroke and has no past history of stroke, patients who can perform active extension of the affected wrist and more than two fingers at an angle of >10 degree and active abduction of the affected thumb at an angle of >10 degree, patients who can make simple communication, patients who can maintain sitting posture for more than 30 minutes. Before starting the treatment, patients underwent 9- hole peg board test, grip test, brunnstorm stage, wolf motor function test and fugl meyer assessment to evaluate the motor activity of affected extremity (Jin A Toon, Bon II Koo et all, 2014). The patients received treatment for total of six hours per day for five days in a week for 4 weeks. After giving the treatment, the test was repeated again to see the improvement in patient after a span of weeks. In 9-hole pegboard test the time taken by patients before treatment varied from 80 seconds to 115 seconds and the same after the treatment varied from 67 seconds to 104 seconds. The grip strength after the was almost the double of what it was before the treatment. The wolf motor function test showed an improvement of around 20%post treatment. There was a significant improvement in patients who received m-cimt treatment for 4
There are various inclusion criteria for the patient to be involved in the study such as patients who were diagnosed with hemiplegia due to stroke and has no past history of stroke, patients who can perform active extension of the affected wrist and more than two fingers at an angle of >10 degree and active abduction of the affected thumb at an angle of >10 degree, patients who can make simple communication, patients who can maintain sitting posture for more than 30 minutes. Before starting the treatment, patients underwent 9- hole peg board test, grip test, brunnstorm stage, wolf motor function test and fugl meyer assessment to evaluate the motor activity of affected extremity (Jin A Toon, Bon II Koo et all, 2014). The patients received treatment for total of six hours per day for five days in a week for 4 weeks. After giving the treatment, the test was repeated again to see the improvement in patient after a span of weeks. In 9-hole pegboard test the time taken by patients before treatment varied from 80 seconds to 115 seconds and the same after the treatment varied from 67 seconds to 104 seconds. The grip strength after the was almost the double of what it was before the treatment. The wolf motor function test showed an improvement of around 20%post treatment. There was a significant improvement in patients who received m-cimt treatment for 4