Whenever a position is described as “diagonally across the body”, the rifle barrel is up. The butt is in front of the right hip, and the rifle barrel crosses a point opposite the junction of neck and left shoulder. The rifle is grasped at the balance with the left hand. Hold palm of hand toward the body with wrist straight. The cadence for rifle movement is quick time. In the early stages of training give full attention to the details of the motions. Cadence is acquired gradually as handling the rifle is mastered. Sometimes the instructor may require counting aloud in cadence with motion. The manual of arms is taught at the halt. For the purpose of instruction, it may be taught BY THE NUMBERS. To add interest to the drill or to prevent fatigue in long marches, right shoulder to left shoulder (or left shoulder to right shoulder), or port arms may be given when marching at attention. POSITION OF ORDER ARMS Rest the butt of the rifle on ground with barrel to rear. Hold toe of the butt against right shoe and on line with the toe. Hold rifle between thumb and fingers of right hand, keeping the open part of the hand to the front and hand and forearm behind the weapon. Hold left hand as in the position of attention.
TRAIL ARMS FROM ORDER ARMS From order arms, the command is “TRAIL ARMS”. At the command, “ARMS”, raise the rifle 2 inches and incline the muzzle forward so that the barrel makes an angle of about 15 degrees with the vertical. Hold right arm slightly bent. ORDER ARMS FROM TRAIL ARMS From trail arms, the command is “ORDER ARMS”. At the command “ARMS”, lower rifle with right hand and resume the order. PORT ARMS FROM ORDER ARMS At order arms, the command is “PORT ARMS”. At the command “ARMS” which is the