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Unit number and title
BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Business
Unit 1 Business Purposes
Assignment title
2 – Let’s go International!
Criteria reference
To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:
Task no.
Links to Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills
Describe the different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of four different organisations
Learner declaration
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is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
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Assignment brief
Assignment title
2: Let’s go International!
The purpose of this assignment is to:
LO1 Understand the purpose and ownership of business.
Working at Birmingham Airport within the business research and development department as an apprentice, your manager has asked you to prepare a poster that describes four businesses. You are required to link each ownership to the size and scale of each business, and also show how they differ in size and scale using either graphics of your choice or a brief explanation.
Task 1 (P2)
Describe the four different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of four different business organisations.
You must choose four contrasting organisations, such as those found in the hints and sources section.
Evidence :
Hints and Sources of information
For P2 there needs to be a description of four different types of business ownership which should be linked to the size and scale of the business.
Companies that you might like to consider which operate in the airport are: Boots, Dixons, Burger King, Sun and Straw (Stall which sells hats and scarves), Claire’s, Birmingham City Council (vital partner of the airport).
Carysforth C, Neild M and Richards C – BTEC Level 2 First Business Student Book (Pearson, 2009)
ISBN 9781846906206
LO1 Understand the purpose and ownership of business
Ownership: sole trader; partnership; limited companies (private [ltd], public [plc]); charity; voluntary organisations; co-operatives; government
Size: small; medium; large
Scale: local; regional; national; European and global organisations
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Internal verifier
Assessor 's comments
BTEC Level 2 C/EC in Business
Unit number and title
1 – Business Purposes
Assessor name
Mrs. Wong
Standardised by:
Internal Verifier name
Mr. Lavie
Learner name
(Assessor, please tick if achieved OR write AA for “Already Achieved”, NYA “Not Yet Achieved”)
Pass 2
Learner feedback
Assessor feedback
P2: describe the different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of four different organisations.
Observation/Witness records attached
Action plan
If Not Yet Achieved, please re-submit by: ………………………………… Intervention Ref: 1 / 2 / 3
Assessor signature
Learner signature