M2: justify the research methodologies chosen for the project.
Type of research
Data you will collect
Why you have chosen it?
Qualitative- statistics of the internet
Statistics will help me put the point across that I’m trying to argue quickly, people find it easier to understand statistics and will be more focused on statistics then a block of writing.
It’s visual and people are more likely to take in and remember statistics.
Not very descriptive, doesn’t go into detail about the how’s and the whys it just states facts.
Quantitative – questionnaires
I’ve chosen this as it helps me get first-hand information, and different opinions on under 16’s drinking.
I will find out different people’s views, this will help give me support to back up different points.
Its only from a selected source, it will only come from under 16 years old so it might be limited on the views I get. It is very time consuming and takes time to write out the questions, ask people to take part and fill one out, collect them all in and the read the data.
Qualitative - using the internet, books
I will use the internet and books to find out the depth about how it harms young people and how much it affects their life. The internet and books will also help if I need to find more information to support what I’m saying.
Get views from loads of different perspectives, not limiting my research down to just my own view.
It’s other people’s information, so it may be classed as copy right if I use it. It would also be research tailored for what they were researching instead of what I am looking for in particular so may be completely irrelevant to my research.
Quantitative- interview
I have chosen this so I can find out from professionals the real health issues drinking has. I then have scientific evidence to back up my points and research.
They have knowledge and experience