This sufficiency descriptor gives assessment guidance by identifying the different standards that produce different marks. Section by section, for each assessment criterion, the descriptors identify typical degrees of sufficiency of learner evidence in a submission. These degrees of sufficiency are labelled as ‘Referral’, ‘Pass’ or ‘Good pass’ (i.e. although it is only one assessment criterion, if that standard were replicated uniformly across the whole assessment, it would be likely to produce marks in the 40s, 50s or 70s & above).
Level 3 FLM: optional assessment: M3.10
Connect the team with vision and strategy
• Explain the importance of the team having a common sense of purpose that supports the overall vision and strategy of the organisation or project
• Explain the key role that communication plays in establishing a common sense of purpose and assess the effectiveness of own communication skills
• What is meant by ‘having a common sense of purpose’ is not addressed, or is incorrect
• What is meant by ‘having a common sense of purpose’ is described or listed, but there is no explanation as to why ‘having a common sense of purpose’ is important for supporting the organisation or a project
• The key role that communication plays in establishing a common sense of purpose is not addressed, or is incorrect
• Communication is described, or methods of communication are listed, but there is no explanation as to why communication plays a key role in ‘establishing a common sense of purpose’
• Own communication skills have not been addressed, or have been described or listed rather than assessed
• What is meant by ‘having a common sense of purpose’ is addressed and is correct
• Why ‘having a common sense of purpose’ is important for supporting the organisation or a project is explained rather than described or listed, although the