Unit 2 Assignment 1
Write a one page document covering the following questions:
• Why would the passage of CLIA matter to the patient?
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), is regulated by The Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The objective for CLIA program is to ensure quality non-research laboratory testing. CLIA standard is a federal requirement for any entity providing a non-research clinical laboratory test. The passage of CLIA 1998 and the implementation of the regulation in 1993 constituted a vast change in the regulations of clinical laboratories in the United States. There was mixed reaction initially as any regulations guarantees. The different profession had differences of opinion to these changes. From a patient's point of view, it is welcome regulation as they are assured quality standardized laboratory test results. Patients are assured that a laboratory follows proper procedure in regards to the patient's test results. Standard procedure is necessary to get the accurate and reliable and timeliness results.
• How might CLIA affect the medical office?
The medical office is assured accurate lab results promptly hence ensuring efficient patient care. The risk of error is minimized hence making overall patient care cost efficient. The treating physician or a qualified Non-Physician Practitioner (NPP) orders/refers the service; which is medically necessary and using a laboratory that meets all CLIA requirements makes the practice more …show more content…
Explained how CLIA affects the medical office thoroughly. 15
Proper citation of sites. 10
No spelling or grammar errors. 10
Total possible points