Donald Reinhart
Measurement Scales Paper Market research in business is important by keeping up with the everyday life of consumer society. Market research helps businesses study what are the likes and dislikes of consumers, what is popular, and what products are already out in the market. Market research collects data and information about the products and services from the past, present and potential use from the customers. Customers are the main focus when conducting research into a product or service. Businesses study consumers’ buying habits, spending locations, and characteristics. Other than studying consumers, business also study each other by researching their marketing information, products, services, and their consumer targets. To do market research, certain measurement scales are used, especially when conducting a questionnaire. Nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio are four out of six measurement scales that are used in questionnaires.
Nominal scales are a form of categorizing objects by labeling the variables. Nominal scales are usually in form of yes or no answers where the object is in a category or …show more content…
For examples, time, it is understood, consistent, and measureable. There is always 60 second in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day, time never changes it stay consistent. Interval scales do not have a true zero and can only be added and subtracted, not multiplied and divided (Types of Data & Measurement Scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio, 2012). In a questionnaire, interval scales usually range from “strongly agree” or “agree” to “disagree” or “strongly disagree” with a neutral in the middle as “neither agree nor disagree” or “no option”. Interval scales helps consumers define their satisfaction with a product or service by giving a direct opinion