Ms. Scott
English Composition 1000/101- section number
2 July 2011
A Proper MLA Style Journal and Essay This is exactly how a paper with MLA heading should appear. Please note that it is doubled spaced with no extra spaces between paragraphs and that all margins are one inch and the font is 12 pt. Arial. These are elements that you may have to adjust depending on which version of Word you are using. Please also note the heading that contains the student’s name, then the teacher’s name (spelled correctly), then the course and section number, and finally, the date: day, month, and year, in this order. Please be creative and specific when choosing a topic. Do not choose Essay One. This is not interesting or creative. Any work of more than one page also needs a header. There are multiple ways to add this feature, based on which version of Word you are suing. Be sure to learn how to insert a header in the upper right corner with your last name and page number. …show more content…
Finally, please be sure you are editing and proofreading your work very carefully.
Do not turn in work that does not meet formatting guidelines or that has not been proofread for spelling and typographical errors.
Things to avoid: * Using “you,” “your,” or “you’re” (second person)—that assumes you can speak for the reader, which generally you can’t. Using “I,” “me,” “we,” and “us” (first person) is fine, along with “he/she/it” and “they” (third person), because then you are speaking from your own experience. * Contractions (“I’m,” “you’re,” “there’s,” and so
on) * Abbreviations (especially “etc.”---use something similar, like “and so on” or “as well as others” or words to that effect) * Asking questions and then immediately answering them in the following sentence—just combine them into a statement of what you think * Announcing what’s coming up next (e.g., “Now let us turn to . . . “ can be rephrased as “The next characteristic . . .”) * Numerals (only with specific amounts, decimals, dates, etc.—see textbook)
Rough drafts do count as part of your overall class grade.
*Ideas and Formatting ideas attributed to other Cincinnati State Instructors.