The Act is designed to give county councils and municipalities considerable freedom with regard to the organization of their health ser-vices. In Sweden most welfare services, including initiatives to health services, are pro-duced in the public sector. The country councils and regions manage the health care services, while the municipalities manage compulsory areas such as upper secondary education, pre-school, care for the elderly, waste and energy, roads and water. Health care is largely financed by tax in Sweden. The municipalities and the county levy pro-portional income taxes on their respective populations and the financing of health care services by local taxes is complemented by the central government and by user charges. (Anell, Glenngård and Mercur …show more content…
The life expectancy in Sweden is 84 for women and 80 for men (WHO, 2012).The Swedish health system is committed to ensuring the health of all citizens and abides by the principles of human dignity, need and solidarity, and cost–effectiveness. In Sweden the state is responsible for overall health policy, while the funding and provision of services lies largely with the county councils and regions. The municipalities are responsible for the care of older and disabled people. The majority of primary care centers and almost all hospitals are owned by the county councils. Health care expenditure in Sweden is mainly tax funded (80%). Only about 4% of the population in Sweden has voluntary health insurance (VHI). (Anell, Glenngård and Mercur