The MTV series "The Real World Key West" encourages immoral behavior and alcohol abuse by putting seven wild people in a mansion with unlimited …show more content…
funds and no rules. Basically, suggesting to young adults that this is the way to live. Every episode is about the roommates going to a club, having a party, or who's doing who. Displaying to young adults and teens that this is how college kids act and that it's always a fun time, being that when you're on TV, you're an icon. The show displays that casual sex is okay in our society. Every episode is filled with drama, alcohol, and sex.
If you tune in for just one episode you are bound to see someone cheating on their partner, someone having sex with a person who they don't even know the name of yet, or someone getting intoxicated until they pass out.
There are sexual transmitted diseases, pregnancy, angry girlfriends, and most of all AIDS. By putting this on TV, it infers that celebrities don't really worry about the consequences of there actions, why should I? Drinking all night, every night, is always fun in "The Real World".
Why do so many people watch "The Real World"? The answer is because it's entertainment. Things are always funny or entertaining to our society as long as it's not actually happening to them. It's a real life soap opera that people can sit down and relate to. We all have a story, or know a story, about your some girl at your high school being pregnant at 16. Most of this material that is on the show is in our real lives, MTV just happens to magnify and glorify it. By putting this sexually charged and partying environment on television, it displays to future generations of college kids that casual sex, drinking, and partying all the time is accepted in our society and is always a fun time, making these kids want to go out and do the same. But, in the real, real world, people have to go to work, pay rent, and pay the consequences as a result of there actions, maybe we should be putting that on TV
This follows along with the teachings of the Catholic church very closely. Teachings such as Dignity of the Human person, Common Good, Rights and Responsibilities, and Promotion of Peace. They mainly all fall into the skeleton of the Real World television show. Sex, fights, drama, and alcohol relate to all these teachings atleast in one way.