La General Hospital was established in the year 1963 and accredited to a District Hospital status in the year 2004. It is the only government Health Institution overseeing the work of both Private and Quasi government Hospitals in the Sub-Metro. The La Sub-Metropolitan District is the politician name given to the following sub-metropolitan districts. (La, Teshie). A new municipality called Ledzokuku-Krowor was carved out of the Kpeshie sub metro in June 2008 to oversee the affairs of Teshie/Nungua area. It is a replica district hospital in a 3rd world country, a district hospital with a difference. (We do a bit of everything.)
Community Psychiatry
Public Health
ENT & Diabetic Clinics
Support Services
Laboratory/Blood Bank
Other Services:
La General Hospital exists to be acknowledged as a friendly institution where quality of care is always assured in the La sub-metro.
To strive to achieve the ultimate in the provision of quality care in a dynamic and changing environment
We accomplish this through: * Supporting research and education * Providing 24 hours curative and preventive services * Listening to clients always * Protecting clients confidentiality and privacy
The objectives of the hospital for the period January – June 2009 have been in line with the five key objectives of the Health Sector reforms of the Ministry of Health. Subsequently, it is mindful of the 2008 Program of work which is structured around the following four thematic areas: 1. Health lifestyles and environment 2. Health, Reproduction and Nutrition services 3. General Health Systems Strengthening 4. Governance and Financing
Improve quality of Health Care * Organize workshops to improve the skills of staff * Providing good working environment between management and staff
Increase Geographical & Financial Access * Encouraging
Bibliography: * Cahill Mathew, (1998); Illustrated Handbook of Nursing, Springhouse corporation, Pennsylvania. * Davidson, Stanley, et al, (1991); Principles and practice of Medicine, 17th Edition, JB Lippincott, New York. * Hodgson and Kizior, (2005); Saunders Nursing Drug Book 13th Edition, Elsevier (USA). * Royle, A.J Walsh, (1992); Medical-Surgical and Related Physiology, 4th Edition, Bailliere Tindall, London. * White and Duncan, (2002); Medical-Surgical Nursing Care, 5th Edition, Delmar, United States. * Pamela L. Swearingen, (2003); Medical-Surgical Nursing Care, 5th Edition Elsevier Mosby, Philadelphia, USA. * Brunner, L.S. & Saddart, D.S, (2008) ; Textbook of medical surgical nursing. 11th Edition, Philadelphia: J.B Lippincott Co. * Smeltzer, S. C et al, (2007); Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing. Vol 1. Philadelphia: Lippincott Willams & Wilkins