The story film Mabo, in leading up to its supportive and motivated revolution in Australia's history, is assist by Eddie's family determination to win Eddie Mabo's land rights case and thus restore justice to indigenous people. The foundations of his familial and social assitance can be seen in his encounter with white authority and his later involvement in the union movement, as well as his role as political activist. In addition, key argument with influential figures also helps to motivate him to stick together with his family. Eddie's personal characteristics, partly born out of his early families supportive for respect, also influence his passion and determination to fight for better conditions for his people. Yet, arguably Eddie could not have achieve fame on his own-it is the support of his wife,Bonita, and the key advice of his legal team that ultimately propels him on his difficult legal path towards achieving recognition of past wrongs in relation to indigenous land ownership.
Bonita is a tireless supporter to Eddie Mabo. Eddie Mabo's wife who influenced his daily and political involvement in indigenous rights, particularly those events that affected him emotionally through injury to his pride or sadness due to loss. Bonita who is a wife and also is a mother raises her children diligently and also contributes support to her family by feeding constantly to her family. She sacrificed herself because of the love to Eddie ' you remember first time you saw me? I reckon that's the moment I fell in love with you. Even before I knew you was gonna make history.' Bonita's relation with koiki is turbulent at times, due to his long absences from home and the stresses of the Mabo case on their relationship. The pressure that Koiki under as a result of the constant attacks on his reputation spills out at home, when he verbally and physically attacks Bonita, refusing to