Windows is a GUI operating system as is MAC OS. MAC OS can only be on an apple computer and it costs £1000 approximately including the computer whereas windows costs around £617 including the computer for the pro edition. Windows also has more software made for it. Windows also has more security options than MAC as on windows you can restrict what certain users can do with some files. MAC has more settings than windows making it easier to customise but removing software is not as simple as it is on windows…
There are several differences between Linux, Windows and Mac. One of the first is that Linux is not like the other two. Linux is not a full operating system like Mac or Windows. Linux is a command line interface compared to the others that are Graphic User Interfaces. Windows uses windows explorer as its default internet browser where as Mac uses Safari. Windows computers are more susceptible to viruses compared to Mac, which is also less prone to crashes. Windows is used by several computer companies like Dell, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba. Whereas Apple is the only user of Mac OS.…
e. Preview main points: There are many reasons why you should buy a Mac instead of a PC but I’m only going to go over a few of those reasons. First I’m going to talk about one of the most important issues with any computer, security and reliability. Next I’m going to talk about the sleek design of a Mac. And last I’m going to talk about the simplicity of the software on a Mac.…
| PC’s or personal computers are much smaller than mainframe computers and made for individual use. They were computers that use software that any individual can use and within a business held a connection to the company’s mainframe.…
It seems that the major question going around right now is, “Are you a Mac or a PC?” There are many differences between these two completely different types of computers. Many people claim they would never buy a virus infested PC and would stick by their Macbook until death do them part; while others swear by their PC and are disgusted by any other type of computer. There are many types of Personal Computers but the only company you can buy a Mac from is Apple. While the Mac vs. PC controversy continues to bubble both types of companies continue to strive for the perfect computer to offer their consumers.…
Joseph Conrad and William Shakespeare are not traditionally paired up for a critical analysis. However, the characters MacBeth and Kurtz in MacBeth and Heart of Darkness, respectively, prove to be worthy of comparison. MacBeth and Kurtz share many common characteristics: both have vaulting ambition that leads both to their success and their demise, a superiority complex, and both make similar sacrifices to achieve their goal. Despite their many similarities, MacBeth and Kurtz differ in many respects. The way the authors present each character varies greatly, and the way each interacts with his surroundings contrast a great deal. The circumstances that follow their actions also differ since the societies in which they live are not similar in any aspect. Through their many similarities and differences, MacBeth and Kurtz prove to be characters filled with evilness, and upon a closer examination, the differing degrees of that evilness are seen.…
Ever been in a computer store and a guy in a nice dress coat with Khaki pants and leather Gucci shoes on, walk and just chuckles at you because you are looking at a Windows PC? Well, chances are that it was either a Mac user. "Mac user interviewed and self-admitted as filling cool, artsy, higher in the social society, and often harassed PC owners trying to get them to switch”. (Firmin 2) If one wants to get more value for their money then they will want to look at nothing else but PC. If one was to take the money that a Mac owner spent and upgrade a PC with the same amount, they would have a much better system than the Mac owner. Macs hardware is well built and appealing but is expensive. Most of their laptops have SATA hard drives which are fast but are short on memory and don't come with DVD players or HDMI ports and the batteries are not removable. PCs on the other hand plenty of design, specification, and price options. Hardware for PC runs from topnotch to trash, with the prices matching the quality.…
Deciding whether to make an investment in a Windows PC or an Apple Macintosh provides unique technological features. Both the Personal Computer and the Macintosh have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although PCs are the dominant choice for a computer, the Macintosh still competes toe to toe in many aspects of performances. Elements such as cost, customization, and security, all add to the conflict of which computer is ultimately superior.…
Some people will say that there is nothing good on TV now days, well I for one would have to disagree with them. In today’s world there are just so many shows on that it is hard to say that. At my house we watch a lot of kid programs because we have a 17 month old and a newborn. The kid’s shows we watch have a lot of good qualities that they need to learn at an early age to help further them along with their learning and life’s choices. We like to watch Dora the Explorer or Jake and the Never land Pirates. Watching these programs helps to expand his thinking, or so I like to think.…
As far as performance is concerned, both types of computers can be comparable. However, MAC computers have been known to be superior for graphic designing purposes. But graphic designing is not normally a task that is done on a home computer. This is something that businesses use MAC computers for. Also, the MAC computers that are better for graphic designing are very expensive. Therefore leaving that option frowned upon by the average consumer.…
Samiljan, Tom. "Mac vs PC." Switched. 06 Aug 2008. Aol Tech. 9 Nov 2008 <>.…
Everyone knows of the popular household names Apple and Microsoft. Apple was started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. They created the first Apple computer in Jobs’ parents garage in the 1970’s. They knew that they had created something great so they called their company Apple. Bill Gates on the other hand created Microsoft. He never made a computer; what he did was create software and put it on other computers. Allegedly, Bill Gates stole Apple’s Macintosh prototype software from Steve Jobs. Gates only received the prototypes because Jobs thought he could trust Gates, but he was sorely mistaken. These two popular household names are similar, but they have differences such as ability to customize, operating system, price, and virus protection.…
First of all, PCs have a better user interface. While Mac users have always boasted of having a computer with a clean, modern look, this changed with Windows Vista, released on January 30, 2007. Windows Vista has translucent window bars, a search bar on the start menu, and tabs on the bottom of the screen, as well as introducing a feature in which users can scroll through all open windows. To contrast, Macs require tedious dragging around of windows, making multitasking with several windows open a nightmare. Additionally, Macs have a detached toolbar that is attached to the top of the screen. Being detached has no functional purpose, constantly takes up space, and does not close when the program window is closed. A stereotype of Macs is that they are more user-friendly. However, starting with Vista, the search bar has allowed users to efficiently search for any desired file, and the sidebar was introduced (similar to widgets), which has “a number of functional and useful gadgets,” (Weisben). Windows 7 (released 2009) got rid of the unnecessary security pop-ups, as well as added a toolbar at the bottom with tabs, preventing the Mac system of dragging around windows. Windows 7 also added the feature that allows a user to make a window full or half screen by dragging it to the top or side of the screen. According to Mitchell Ashley, from, “Gone from Windows 7 are Vista's loads of unnecessary bloatware applications, confusing and poorly designed configuration dialog boxes, and moronic UAC popups that impeded a user's productivity at every turn.”…
Mac and PC rivalry is on the same level as Pepsi vs. Coke. In today’s world, owning a computer is an essential part of life. Although there are numerous types of computers that you could own, there are two main types to consider, A Personal computer or MAC. Everyone has his or her own opinion on which is better. And there are many die-hard fans in each category. You either like it or love it. A lot of people choose personal computers because of how different Mac computers. Firstly we will consider software availability. The majority of computer users own personal computers, both for work and recreational use. Therefore, software companies find that it is far more profitable to develop software that is for use on a PC instead of a Mac You should choose your computer by doing your research and seeing what type of computer fits your life style and your family’s needs.…
When going shopping for a computer, one must evaluate their needs and will these needs be meet with a laptop or desktop computer. Laptops and desktops are both computers, but each provides different options. There are some similarities in both like internet functions, and accessible programs, but there are some differences like the accessories you receive, or accessibility.…