Foods 101
16 September 2016
Foods research paper
Macaroni and cheese was started by, a man named Thomas Jefferson. When he had gone to Italy he brought back a pasta machine which then his daughter Mary Randolph became the hostess after Jefferson’s wife had past. “His daughter then made a dish using macaroni and parmesan cheese”. Which the parmesan was then replaced with every one’s fevered cheese known as cheddar cheese. “Now since the Kraft Company had put mac and cheese in a box in 1937 every kid in America then grew up with this dish.” There can’t bae a doubt that its ultimate origins are Italian. As one finds mac and cheese recipes from the late thirteenth century in southern Italy. The author had suggested using powdered spices, just like we do today, and with cheese if desired. This is the way that the Italians do it. …show more content…
In the first, it is thought that mac and cheese was so post to be a casserole that had its beginnings at a New England church supper. In the south it was known as macaroni pudding, on the other hand it’s most famous story. Is that the classic dish called mac and cheese was going returned Thomas Jefferson to Virginia after his sojourn in Italy. It is a nostalgia inducing a perfect complement for anything such as BBQ, burgers, and Hennessy. “Now as for some people would say it can do it all.” “The word Macaroni comes from a Greek word which is for something made from barley, or Makaria.” Now as for the