Supernatural creatures exist only in our conscious mind. In the play "Macbeth," there are many interesting events which could be reviewed to show how supernatural events affect someone’s thoughts. First, in the play, Macbeth make his way to the witches and they give him three apparitions. The first apparition says "Macbeth!, Macbeth!, Macbeth!, beware of Macduff; beware thane of Fife. Dismiss me: enough." (IV.1.71-73). Here it gives Macbeth the idea that he should fear Macduff because he’s a threat to Macbeth’s authority. It’s important to know that Shakespeare this fantasy to portray a supernatural occurrence that makes the character think deeper. Second, Macbeth is aware of tragedies that may happen to him. In Shakespearean time, they believe in existence of witches because of unproven tragedies that occasionally happens in the Castle. Macbeth says “Into the air; and what seem'd corporal melted as breath into the wind. Would they had stay'd"Banquo: Were such things here as we do speak about, or have we eaten on the insecure root. That takes the reason prisoner.” (Act 1 Scene 3 Line 82-86) after the appearance of the witches giving predictions. Macbeth is saying where did the witches go, they just vanished into thin air. The quote by Banquo is saying do these witches exist or are we on some special herb. Two examples of the theme supernatural is the witches and the predictions they made for Macbeth and Banquo.
"Avalint! And quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee! Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes, which thou dost glare with." (Act III scene iiii lines 116-120) In this scene Banquo's ghost shows up at king Macbeth's is sitting and scares Macbeth in the banquet, causing him to to freak out in front of everyone. He is the only one that see's him. The quote is saying to hide him from being seen and his figure is ghostly, he cannot believe his eyes that he is seeing Banquo.Supernatural was used to spook Macbeth and emphasize revenge.
Gender and Power
Power can elevate our pride to the crest of ambition to live strong that anyone could not stand for it. In the famous play of William Shakespeare ‘’Macbeth’’, Macbeth gets corrupted by his avarice desire for the power. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth was a faithful royal servant of Duncan but when Lady Macbeth coaxes him and led him to kill Duncan. “If we should fail?” Lady Macbeth: “...screw your courage to the sticking place, And we’ll not fail(1.7.67-69). Lady Macbeth reassures that they will surely be successful with their devilish plan. Lady Macbeth then goes on to explain the plan and reassures Macbeth by saying “when in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in death, What cannot you and I perform upon Th’unguarded Duncan? What not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great quell?”(1.7.76-80). Macbeth was evidently unsure about this and needed a great deal of reassurance to finally go through with it. Even though Macbeth’s gut instinct at first was not to commit the murder, he gives in to his wife and commits the murder. Lady Macbeth: The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
That tends on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top of full direst cruelty! (Act 1, scene 5, 38–43) She isn’t sure if there’s enough manhood to go around between herself and her husband so she calls upon the scheming spirits to “unsex me here”. This reveals a vivid way of seeing how weak the females are, due to the fact that men are way courageous than them females. Therefore, women before are viewed as property of men which they have not enough rights unlike men do. The greed for power can make people do outrageous things, and once the power gets into the wrong hands, it will be abused, and can disrupt the sort order that power is supposed to hold within the society. As it’s shown in the essay, when power is held by unrightful person, it’s often abused to hurt innocent people unlawfully.
Tragic hero