Saloni Shah
Mr. Huang
English 2 CP
November 19, 2012
Macbeth: Final Analysis This chart shows a significance of the aggression increase and decrease in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This chart shows where their position or level of aggression on a scale of 1-6 stands in each of the acts. This chart mostly shows the difference between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth at the start and end. As Macbeth progresses up in the chart, Lady Macbeth goes down. In Act 1, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth start off at two different positions. Macbeth is way down on the chart at 1 and Lady Macbeth is at 5. Macbeth is the honest, loyal, and trustworthy person. Lady Macbeth was a fearless, conniving, and evil person who was willing to do anything to gain what she wanted. In Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth tries to explain Macbeth the way he should behave towards Duncan before the dinner. In lines 74-78 Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that to deceive the King, you must appear the way they expect you to look. He should welcome the King with an expression in his eyes, your hands, and your words. He should look like an innocent flower, but be like the snake that hides underneath the flower. Also in Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a conversation after Duncan leaves. In lines 77-82 Lady Macbeth explains to Macbeth what he has to do to Duncan to
Shah 2 obtain the throne. As Lady Macbeth tries to form the aggression in Macbeth he gets more nervous and confused to what he should do. In Act 2, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth start to head in different directions as Macbeth progresses up in the chart due to the influences of Lady Macbeth and the witches, Lady Macbeth starts to progress down as she starts to go crazy. In Act 2 Scene 2, when Macbeth can’t kill Duncan, he tell Lady Macbeth thought she also comes back leaving the job undone. In lines 16-17 Lady Macbeth mentions that she cannot kill Duncan because he resembles her father in his sleep. This was the first sign that lead us to knowing that she has become weak. Also in Act 2 Scene 3, Macbeth tells everybody about how brave and daring he was to kill those guards who supposedly murdered Duncan. In lines 89-93 Macbeth explains of Duncan’s murder and how he just couldn’t stand Duncan’s murders be let off. In Act 5, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are on two different levels of aggression as Macbeth is on 5 and Lady Macbeth is on 1. Lady Macbeth is at a point where she starts hallucinating, sleepwalking, and goes crazy. The guilt that built upon her from one act to another caused here to be a point where she has no idea what she is saying and doing. In Act 5 Scene 1, we see that the doctor is talking to the gentlewomen about Lady Macbeth’s mental state. In lines 25-30 we hear Lady Macbeth blabbering about how she has blood on her hands and cannot get it off she tends to go crazy mentions how Duncan’s murder could never be cleared from her fate. In Act 5 Scene 5, we see that Macbeth is confident that he can withstand any blockade from Malcolm’s forces. He is then told of Lady Macbeth’s demise which has
Shah 3 what so ever no effect on him. In lines 19-25 Macbeth is told of Lady Macbeth’s demise he has turned into such a hard rock that he doesn’t notice the death of his wife. Macbeth was a brave and loyal person who thirsted for power. Shakespeare shows how Macbeth, who was once a powerful hero, turns into a tyrant bringing mishap to the country and people. Macbeth’s tragedy is a lesson to learn from that power does not always effect in good ways but also in bad ways.
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