The motif of blood signifies the murder that Macbeth has committed. Blood is everywhere in this play. It has shown a symbolic meaning on how changes of tragedy has progressed. Blood also plays as a major theme in Macbeth.Bloody actions are in battle in the first act.“The spring, the head, the fountain of your blood” (Shakespeare page 1 of 8). As Shakespeare said he was was referring to Macbeth. Biggins felt that “When the second apparition the bloody child exclaims ‘Be bloody,bold,and resolute laugh to scorn/ The power of man; for none woman born/Shall harm Macbeth. With blood being present it shows how the characters are feeling guilty. “Low stated “...between a sword smoking in a villain's blood.” Then Duncan was killed by Macbeth . Turner says …show more content…
For example Turner quoted “And his gash’d stabs look’d like a breach in nature...For ruin’s wasteful entrance” The witches in Macbeth use fire and snakes as symbol of violence. “...Macbeth is punished for his murders committed in the name of kingly ambition.” (Goddard page 64). The course of Macbeth’s Drive for Power stated that “In the end, Macbeth is punished for his murders committed in the name of kingly ambition.” Macbeth begins to revolt again and Macduff’s family is then killed. In Engulfed by Darkness the author Low stated “...he wills his eyes to “wink” at his hands,but when he does so,he slits his own wrists and throat.”(page 87). This is showing an example on how violence is used by the characters.Fletcher says in The Bloody Warrior “..he is now obsessed with the possibility of his becoming king,and he wonders whether this may entail