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Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche 's Philosophy on Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher in the 1800’s. His work has since influenced, impacted, and brought forth new questions for many philosophers to follow. One of Nietzsche’s famous writings Beyond Good and Evil expresses his views on society and the two different classes it holds, slave and master. He expresses his belief that the two are in warfare with one another, the strong (master) fighting for the will to power, while the weak (slave) tries to pull the master down to their level using clandestine forms of revenge.... [tags: Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche] 1102 words …show more content…
This is a theme seen throughout Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, John Berendt 's non-fictional account of life in Savannah. Characters such as Jim Williams, who worked for their money and brought themselves up the social ladder, are seen as being beneath those who inherited their money, such as Lee Adler. The old wealth tend to look down on anyone who wasn 't born with their money.... [tags: Midnight Garden Good Evil] 862