I owe in doing it pays itself” (Mac.1.4.25-26). As readers, one never expects him to do what he does. In the beginning Macbeth is working under the king and is a loyal worker. However, when he realizes that he is to be king on day, everything goes downhill. The next actions that Macbeth takes surprises us all, he murders his king. A second example is when Macbeth plans the killing of his once best friend. Macbeth says, “Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight” (Mac.3.1.161-162). This quote is what Macbeth is thinking, he wants Banquo to die tonight in order to make sure Macbeth stays king. One would never expect someone to kill their own best friend just for the label, king. The final example of how Macbeth is not who one sees him to be is when Macduff and Macbeth begin to fight. As king, one would expect Macbeth to summon his soldiers to help him fight. However he does not summon anyone to help him, yet he fights until his death. This surprises many readers as one would expect for Macbeth to do whatever he can to ensure his safety. Overall, Macbeth really is a different character than what he seems to be in the beginning. Secondly, Lady Macbeth’s actions prove she is not what one would assume her to be. During this time period, women were to obey their husbands. Men were seen as higher objects, so it only makes sense for readers to expect Lady Macbeth to sit back and not get involved in Macbeth’s actions. However, Lady Macbeth criticizes Macbeth by calling him a coward, “live a coward in thine own esteem” (Mac. 1.7.47). One would never expect for a women to criticize their husband, much less tell him that he is a coward. Another example is after Lady Macbeth convinced Macbeth to kill the king, she must take the daggers from Macbeth. She must do this because he is in so much shock that he just killed his king. “Give me the daggers” (Mac.2.2.69). One would never expect a lady in that time be in control over her husband. When she takes the daggers one starts to realize that she is far from what one expected her to be. The last example of how Lady Macbeth is not what she seems to be is when she is sleep walking and talking as if she is guilty. One would never expect after all that she has caused for her to feel guilty about it all. After planning the killing of the king, and all the persuasive talking she does to Macbeth, one never starts to think that she might feel bad for it all. Lady Macbeth was so guilty for it all that she took her own life. Readers would never expect her to become so weak that she takes her own life. Finally, what the witches say to Macbeth is not what one would assume it to mean.
When one first meets the witches they come off as nice and respectful of Macbeth. When the witches first meet with Macbeth they say, “All hail Macbeth! Hail to the, Thane of Glamis!” (Mac.1.3.51). The witches seem to respect Macbeth and honor him. But later on in the play, one notices that they are not good for Macbeth and manage to mess with him. Two major examples of how the witches are not as they seem is when they are telling Macbeth the prophecies. The second prophecy they tell Macbeth is “none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” (Mac.4.1.91-92). Macbeth believes that he cannot be harmed because he thinks all children are born from women. Little does Macbeth know, that Macduff was pulled out of his mother’s womb. Also the third prophecy is not as it seems, “Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him” (Mac.4.1.105-107). Macbeth believes that the woods cannot move up the Dunsinane hill. However when Macduff and his army approach the castle, they carry trees while marching up. When Macbeth looks out his window it seems as though the Great Birnam wood is making its way up to his castle. One realizes in these moments that one cannot jump to conclusions about someone or
something. Overall, one should never judge a book by its cover. This play teaches a good lesson that one should never judge someone by what they look like. One should never look at someone or something and automatically deciding who or what they are. What matters the most is what is on the inside. Just like in an oreo, the inside is the best part. The best part of a human is the inside, and one shall not just look at the outside of someone and decide who they are, looks can be deceiving.