When groups of people are put in un-restricted circumstances, Individuals tend to follow their own desires and care less about what is beneficial for the greater good of everyone. In life individuals are put into unconstrained situations in which they tend to rebel against the standards of society that they have been taught to follow. An example of this is young people having a house party with no parental supervision. The reality is that many teenagers will do illegal things when they are free of restrictions. As individuals are taken away from their relationship within society, their true nature of laziness and avoidance of work are brought out. In the novel Lord of the flies, William Golding is trying to convey that when people are placed in circumstances with no restrictions, individual’s behavior will change over a period of time from socially acceptable to savage.
It is common for human beings to follow what society believes is right. Although, when higher authority is not present to manipulate individual’s behaviours into following the morals of society, one’s inner behaviors and desires may differ from what society considers to be “socially acceptable”. In the novel Lord of the flies there are many instances of the characters drifting away from their ties to society. For example Roger is a character in the story who at one point throws rocks as some of the younger kids, which in this case he misses them on purpose. This symbolizes Rogers’s gradual change from adhering to the morals of society to a slow devolution into savagery. Even though Roger could get away with hitting the kids with rocks, there is still a part of him which knows that hitting them would not be acceptable to the society he lives in off the island. This was the beginning of Roger losing sight of the morals he grew up with in society back at home. As the novel progresses, the characters become more and more savage through their behavior, thus because