1. Murder
Murder is a recurring theme in the tragedy of Macbeth. Although there are countless murders, the play DOES distinguish between honorable and dishonorable violence. For example, Macbeth begins to form an internal conflict prior to murdering Duncan. The conflict can be seen throughout lines 34-64 of Scene 2 in Act two, specifically with the lines, “I see thee yet, in form as palpable as this which now I draw.” This murder is definitely seen as a dishonorable death, as Macbeth murders Duncan due to the fact that he wishes the prophecy to come true. Another example of dishonorable death would be in scene three of act three, when murderers are hired to kill Banquo. This death is seen as dishonorable as it was only committed to fulfill the prophecy. Not only was it dishonorable for that specific reason; it was seen as dishonorable as Banquo’s ghost came back to haunt Macbeth while having dinner with the lords. Macbeth constantly sees the ghost throughout dinner, specifically when the ghost sits in Macbeth’s chair. This shows how dishonorable it was to murder Banquo, as it was only to fulfill the prophecy. However, the play does distinguish between dishonorable and honorable deaths. Macbeth’s death in the end was honorable, as he deserved to die. Macbeth was responsible for the madness throughout the entire story, killing countless men as he was afraid of the revelations that had came true from the prophecy. Macduff’s killing of Macbeth was done due to the fact that Macduff was avenging his family; however, Macbeth’s killings were done out of terror. Without a doubt, the tragedy of Macbeth distinguishes between honorable and dishonorable deaths. This play also can be seen as a plea for peace and human harmony, by supporting the fact that people will murder not only out of greed, but out of honor as well.
2. Relationship between Macbeth and lady Macbeth.
The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plays an extremely crucial role