The main purpose of this project is to identify motivation and its impact on employee performance level, in addition to illustrate the motivation strategies that organizations can adopt to improve the performance level. In order to illustrate the concept of motivation and performance we chose one of the most well known companies in the fast food industry which is MacDonald. We will analyze MacDonald’s employee motivation strategies, and how the organization can adopt those strategies to improve performance levels. The report will apply also a number of motivational theories into action including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, McClelland’s acquired needs theory, Alderfer's ERG theory, and Herzberg’s two-factor theory.
. INTRODUCTION …show more content…
Efficiency and productivity are two significant challenges in any organization across the globe which can be achieved through a number of integrated strategies including adapting the new technology and employee motivation. On this note, the management of organizations needs to focus on creating a motivational work environment that will enhance employee’s behavior to be efficient and competitive as well. A positive work environment needs to be created through the workforce, and this is essential in a number of ways including increasing production, productivity, and efficiency. These are essential areas in any management strategy in those organizations that are profit focused in the future (Herzberg, Mausner& Snyderman, 2013, …show more content…
The organization has been more concerned on the low level of some of the employees in the last few years, and this is one of the reasons why the management is now focused on how to improve employee performance through motivation (Herzberg, Mausner& Snyderman, 2013, p.23).
That was a brief background about motivation and performance. The rest of the report will be structured as follow:
1-First, we will start with the literature review. We are going to review some general information and main ideas about the concept of motivation and performance, which we summarized from various books and articles as well as the internet. The information will cover the definition of motivation, type of motivation, employee performance, the motivation strategies to improve employee performance, and the motivation theories.
2- The second part of the report is the case example. Here in this part we will analyze MacDonald’s employee motivation strategies, and how the organization can adopt those strategies to improve performance levels.
3- Finally, We will conclude our work by summarizing all what we talked about and over viewing the key issues and explain what we learnt from the