Machiavelli believes that a government should be very structured, controlled, and powerful. He makes it known that the only priorities of a prince are war, the institutions, and discipline. His writings describes how it is more important for a prince to be practical than moral. This is shown where he writes, "in order to maintain the state he is often obliged to act against his promise, against charity, against humanity, and against religion" (47). In addition, Machiavelli argues that a prince may have to be cunning and deceitful in order to maintain political power. He takes the stance that it is better for the prince to be feared than loved. His view of how a government should run and his unethical conduct are both early signs of dictatorship.…
Machiavelli was an author and an aspiring political figure who had a strong influence on several aspects of Europe’s government. Due to his critical writings in The Prince, many historians see Machiavelli as a cruel and diabolical political figure whose true intentions were to gain power for himself. However, after looking further into Machiavelli’s political past, one can see that Machiavelli is in fact an intelligent man who possesses a hidden motive to write his novel. In his work, he covered several topics that were used by future city-state leaders to help them become successful. Machiavelli proves to be an astute political mind who used his political experience to assess the actions of famous princes and to write The Prince as a noteworthy…
Machiavelli was a Florentine man of many skills. He was a renowned politician, author, and philosopher during the Renaissance, whose views and opinions affect the way people still think today. The Prince is his most famous work and in it he essentially states that humans are “ungrateful, fickle, deceptive and deceiving”. For that reason, a leader should rule through fear rather than love. However, what Europeans needed during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries were compassionate rulers. They were already frightened and disunited during the middle ages, thus adding a fearful leader to the mix would not help citizens feel safer.…
Summary Chapter I: The Kinds of Principalities and the Means by Which They Are Acquired…
In Machiavelli’s The Prince, he tackles of issues in society and the government as a whole. Machiavelli believed a good ruler is one that could give justice and provide some type of order to his citizens. He believed that a good ruler should focus more on the present rather than what could be. Machiavelli used several examples to demonstrate his way of thinking in a humanistic way and running a government. He used the fox and the lion for an example. A good ruler should be able to use cunningness and brute force per situation in which it is called for. Machiavelli believes that there are two ways of fighting something, that is by law or by force and he believed those are…
Machiavelli's philosophy was that "The end justifies the means." This meant that the end result is the most important, and how you got there was of no importance. The Prince was a book of advice to rules on how to found a state and how to stay in power. Machiavelli explained in his book the many different ways to gain power. One way was to acquire land. The four methods that he discusses to acquire more land is: Your own arms and virtue, fortune, others' arms, and inequity. To Machiavelli, the word virtue meant manliness and strength. Machiavelli also advocates the use of evil to achieve any goals. He gives an example of Agathocles of Syracuse as a proof that this works and will enable the prince to rule the land peacefully through fear. "Born of a potter, this one always had an iniquitous life throughout his years: nonetheless, he accomplished his iniquities with such virtue of spirit and of body that, having joined the militia, he rose through its ranks to become praetor of Syracuse. Being established in rank, and having decided to become prince and to keep with violence and without obligation to others what had been conceded him by agreement... morning he convened the people and the senate of Syracuse, as if he had had to deliberate things pertinent to the republic; and at a preordained nod…
Introduction: Many people who have read The Prince by Niccoló Machiavelli were appalled by Machiavelli’s fierce and authorative tone he used to assert his ideas, especially his concept of how the ends justify the means, which slowly made people begin to criticize him and his book as immoral, wicked, and evil. For this reason, Machiavelli began to be insulted as a ruthless and evil person, or in the adopted term, a Machiavellian. Machiavelli didn’t wish to care for morals or spiritual integrity; however, he didn’t arrange to establish the approach to wickedness. As a matter of fact, he argues that the concept the ends justify the means are meant to be followed, but only when necessary commands for it to happen.…
The Prince was written by Niccolò Machiavelli while he was in exile. In his efforts to return to politics, Machiavelli wrote the Prince in order to exert the true nature of a successful leader, and once again be in the good graces of the Medici’s who were rising to power in Italy. The Prince reveals what Machiavelli views to be a successful leader. The Prince also reveals how Machiavelli views the nature of humans and how that effects how a dictator/leader should rule. Machiavelli believes human beings are selfish, greedy, easily manipulated, and incapable of self-governing as it often ends in their own demise. “[F]or men change their rulers willingly, hoping to better themselves, and this hope induces them to take up arms against him who rules: wherein they are deceived, because they afterwards find by experience they have gone from bad to worse” (Machiavelli 201). Human selfishness inhibits the individual’s ability to make rational long-term decisions thus deeming them incapable of self-governing. If given the people the right to make their own decisions, their greed ill cloud their judgment and cause them to make decisions that may not be in their best interest. If the society is not capable of self-governing they will need a strong leader and Machiavelli has the recipe for the perfect…
Machiavelli makes the point in his essay that people are ultimately naïve and easily manipulated and that in order to be an exceptional leader, you must be unafraid to do what’s necessary to survive the political wilderness. This is not to say that you should go about your power abusing it because you have the power to, but rather use it in situations when it is necessary. He also says that it is more important to be feared then loved but not too feared because then people may get the idea to over throw you.…
Machiavelli intended The Prince to serve as a guide to creating and holding on to a principality. In it, he also characterizes a "good" society and the necessary tools for building one. Although Machiavelli conceives the republic as being the most practical form of government, he reasons that it is still possible to create a good society under a monarchy, as long as the leader of the monarchy follows the stipulated guidelines. Machiavelli realized that humans are predisposed to act perniciously and therefore it is the responsibility of the prince to exploit that nature in a way that will benefit society as a whole. In this way, Machiavelli's prince is an ideal crafted from the actual, rather than an actual crafted from the ideal.…
In Machiavelli’s Prince, the Prince acts as the ruling power over naïve individuals. The Prince believes that individuals are easily persuadable, but it is hard to hold them to a persuasion. “The character of people varies, and it is easy to persuade them of a thing, but difficult to keep them in that persuasion. And so it is necessary to order things so that when they no longer believe, they can be made to believe by force. For example, if tax collectors come to collect taxes and are upsetting the people, the Prince may kill the tax collector. Although it is cruel and wrong to murder, the Prince will claim the act was out of care for the people. The Prince would point the finger at the tax collectors and claim that he was the one that was wrong. Meanwhile, all the money the tax collectors are paying is actually going to the Prince. Individual’s in the Prince’s society naively manipulated into thinking that the Prince is acting out of a loving place…
Essay #15 Machiavelli believed that a leader should possess the ability to heroically and decisively for the good of their country. Machiavelli’s suggestion that a ruler should be like a lion and a fox was fairly true in Europe. Machiavelli uses a lion in comparison to a ruler because he thought a king should be strong and maintain an honest image. He also uses a fox as a symbol to show how a ruler is deceitful.Catherine the Great of Russia and Elizabeth I of England were both like a lion and a fox through their way of handling problems that they confronted during their reign. Elizabeth I of England and Catherine the Great of Russia were both good rulers who had policies against peasants/serfs, foreign countries,and religion. Catherine the Great of Russia had a strong army as well as Elizabeth I of England only difference was that Elizabeth I of England tried to avoid war but secretly encouraged Francis Drake to destroy Spanish fleets. Catherine the Great of Russia used her wisdom to decide when to use her powers to benefit Russia.Catherine the Great of Russia was like a lion because she suppressed the revolt of serfs which made her look strong. Peasants serfs tried to revolt but were not successful due to Catherine the Great of Russia. Another thing that made Catherine very powerful was the Russian military. She gained a large portion of Poland by leaving conquered Danubian area. Catherine the Great of Russia was like a fox because she controlled the nobles. She had earned the nobles loyalty by giving them control of the serfs. Thanks to the support of the nobles Catherine the…
Throughout my reading of Machiavelli, a particular selection struck me as very interesting. This comes from Chapter 17 when Machiavelli states, “Here a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is, of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared. But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved. . . . Love endures by a bond, which men, being scoundrels, may break whenever it serves their advantage to do so; but fear is supported by the dread of pain, which is ever present (Machiavelli 54). I believe this is an interesting question that would be a good topic for debate. Regarding this question, I side with Machiavelli on his reasoning that it is more beneficial to be feared then loved with regards to obedience. Examples of this principle can be seen in our world today. Laws demonstrate this very well. Laws are present to keep society in order, and with disobedience comes penalties. These penalties are what make people obey the law. Without penalties, or using the term pain in an exaggerated sense, most people would continue to break the law being aware that there are no consequences. Fear is what fuels laws to be effective.…
In his book The Prince, Machiavelli presents a theory asserting that man needs a powerful leader in order to be successful. Machiavelli felt that a Prince must act in a way that guaranteed stability and order. However, his emphasis on political convenience was not in the service of the individual power of a Prince, but in allowing that Prince to do what was necessary for the sake of the people. He argues that as a leader, one has the duty to be dishonest or otherwise deceive its people in times of need. This is further clarified when he addresses the question of whether it is better to be feared or loved.…
According to Machiavelli, Nicollo. The Qualities of the Prince. Print. “It is much safer to be feared than to be loved when one of two must be lacking” Machiavelli believe that winning people’s trust through power and influence is the right thing to do so that the leader can exercise his authority and show the people that a leader needs to be feared. Machiavelli doubt the outlook of men, since people choose to look out for their own self rather than others. Machiavelli explains how a prince will become ruined if he constantly strives to be generous and good. This is especially important to politicians and leaders because if they keep trying to be the good guy and making empty promises then they will eventually ruin themselves. Several of Machiavelli’s ideas can also be applied to modern leaders and political figures today. Believing that a prince needs to rule restriction and limitation to protect people in order to survive. Therefore, being cruel and being feared are necessary actions a ruler must take to keep safety and order to his country.…