Renaissance Humanism is defined as “a literary and linguistic movement-an attempt to revive classical Latin (and later Greek), as well as the values and sensibilities that came with the language” (Hunt et al, 415). I think that Machiavelli was a humanist of his era because in his writing The Prince, he relied on history to provide a handbook to future rulers and princes. Machiavelli drew much of this guidebook from his past dealings with politicians and their self-ambitious monarchies. In my opinion he wrote this guide to as a way to show future princes that the ways of the past should be adhered to in order for Italy to regain its prior glory. In The Prince Machiavelli uses many examples from history to show that we need to embrace the past in order to gain a prosperous future.
Machiavelli 's, The Prince serves as a handbook to future rulers with their roles and responsibilities. Machiavelli begins his handbook with his view of princely virtues. He argues that in order for a person to be a good leader and stay in rule he must not just be a good person but that “he must learn how to not be good” (Lawall et al, 1951) in order to protect himself from anyone trying to overtake his rule. He must always be prepared and not make himself the “good guy” all the time. Machiavelli shows that being a good person all of the time will only allow for the bad people to overpower the good people, “because anyone who determines to act in all circumstances the part of a good man must come to ruin among so many who are not good” (Lawall et al, 1951).
Machiavelli goes on to further his humanistic views on how a prince should be viewed by his people. He discusses the choices a person of power has in being “liberal” (1952) and generous or stingy. He goes on to say that being too liberal will bring a man of power to ruin and that being frugal is important. He explains that as long as a ruler “abstains from the property of his citizens and subjects” he will gain
Cited: Lawall, Thalmann, Patterson, James, & Spacks, (2006). The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Sarah Lawall. Eighth Edition, Volume 1. New York/London. W.W.Norton & Company. 1945-1961. Print. Hunt, L., Martin, T., Rosenwein, B., Smith, B., (2010). The Making of the West Peoples and Cultures A Concise History. Third Edition, Boston. Bedford/St. Martins. 415-418. Print.