This view is by all means plausible considering Italy’s festering political instability. Furthermore, in the final chapter of The Prince, sometimes overlooked by readers who stress the author’s pessimism, Machiavelli urges the Medici Prince to expel the ‘barbarians’ and return Italy to its former salvation. His attitude towards Italian liberty helped to make Machiavelli a symbol of Italian nationalism and heroism. It also displays how he believed leadership should be used. The once vilified Machiavelli was now the apotheosis of righteousness and symbol for public
This view is by all means plausible considering Italy’s festering political instability. Furthermore, in the final chapter of The Prince, sometimes overlooked by readers who stress the author’s pessimism, Machiavelli urges the Medici Prince to expel the ‘barbarians’ and return Italy to its former salvation. His attitude towards Italian liberty helped to make Machiavelli a symbol of Italian nationalism and heroism. It also displays how he believed leadership should be used. The once vilified Machiavelli was now the apotheosis of righteousness and symbol for public