In 1494, Florence, Italy was overtaken by France. There the Prince, leader of Florence at the time was the third generation Medici. Given to him was a series of chapters of The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli written in 1513. Niccolo Machiavelli was known for his vast knowledge in politics and literature. Thus after being exiled from Florence by the French, he wrote from experience and vast knowledge to the current prince so he would know how to rule. In order to be a prestige prince, he must always be ready for war, act like a lion and fox, be feared but not hated, and to not take the property of citizen and people, but if it is a new prince having a knowledgeable advisee also…
Contrary to popular belief, Machiavelli is not a diabolic political figure in search of power. He is instead an astute politician who uses his extensive knowledge of politics to analyze various princes and principalities in order to educate future…
Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, and philosopher during the late 1400s early 1500s. Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political theory; and his theories are most prominent in his short book, “The Prince”. Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is main purpose is to tell rulers how to remain in power once they have gained it. The best way to go about ruling according to Machiavelli is to simply rule well. However if this does not work Machiavelli recommends several different strategies such as the use of violence. During Machiavelli’s time his theories were not widely accepted and because of this he died in shame. Machiavelli acted on his thoughts and beliefs despite what society taught and believed. However once time passed Machiavelli’s philosophies were better understood and accepted. Other philosophers began take portions of his philosophy to add to their own. This brought upon a new respected look to Machiavelli rather than the shameful look he died with.…
Thesis: Elizabeth I of England and Catherine the Great of Russia both had satisfied Machiavelli’s condition of a good ruler by being both firm and sly policies against the peasants/serfs, foreign countries, and religions.…
Machiavelli asserts, “... of men generally; they are ungrateful, fickle, feigners and dissemblers, avoiders of danger, eager for gain” and that men are “treacherous and would not keep their promises to you.” Do you agree with his assessment of people? Explain.…
Overall, Machiavelli shows that in order to be an effective prince, one must disregard the morality of one’s actions in certain times for the welfare of the state. This strong belief shows that Machiavelli’s best interests are in the state and not in the general population. Because he…
Machiavelli's philosophy was that "The end justifies the means." This meant that the end result is the most important, and how you got there was of no importance. The Prince was a book of advice to rules on how to found a state and how to stay in power. Machiavelli explained in his book the many different ways to gain power. One way was to acquire land. The four methods that he discusses to acquire more land is: Your own arms and virtue, fortune, others' arms, and inequity. To Machiavelli, the word virtue meant manliness and strength. Machiavelli also advocates the use of evil to achieve any goals. He gives an example of Agathocles of Syracuse as a proof that this works and will enable the prince to rule the land peacefully through fear. "Born of a potter, this one always had an iniquitous life throughout his years: nonetheless, he accomplished his iniquities with such virtue of spirit and of body that, having joined the militia, he rose through its ranks to become praetor of Syracuse. Being established in rank, and having decided to become prince and to keep with violence and without obligation to others what had been conceded him by agreement... morning he convened the people and the senate of Syracuse, as if he had had to deliberate things pertinent to the republic; and at a preordained nod…
Human nature has been the discussion of many of philosophical works. There are some who believe human beings are inherently bad, individualistic and greedy. There are those who believe humans are inherently good and seek the best possible outcomes for society as a whole. Upon reading Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince, Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto, and John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government the audience may begin to understand how those ideas of human nature can have an effect on an individual’s political ideology. Machiavelli, Marx, and Locke all expressed in their works how they viewed human nature and gave historical background and evidence of how their opinions of human nature directly affected their political ideology and how…
Throughout The Prince, Machiavelli outlines the characteristics needed to be a strong and admirable leader. He explains that personal characteristics such as courage and compassion, both being aspects of virtue, will earn him praise. However, he feels that this expectation is unrealistic and a prince’s first job is to protect the state, and having “bad” characteristics is sometimes necessary to reach that goal. That being said, in order to protect the state a prince may have to act unscrupulously at times which he believes will bring good fortune in the long run. Machiavelli believes that no matter how a prince acts, whether moral or not, virtue and fortune are the two most influential forces in politics and he shows how, throughout history, they have affected different people in powerful positions. Using the lessons learned by previous people of great political power, Machiavelli points out virtues and fortunes present in the particular cases, while then explaining his beliefs and solutions to the examples from the past. Virtue and fortune go hand in hand throughout this guide. One…
To give his advice structure, Machiavelli used an abundance of historical references. One leader he refers to is Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. Sforza fought and won power as a Duke, he passed that power on to his sons. His sons avoided war and lost power. This a great story to persuade the reader to think that the advice Machiavelli is giving should be taken. His message is that if a prince is not willing to fight, as Sforza's sons were not, they too may lose power. Machiavelli stresses the point that it is better to be feared than loved. A perfect comparison of the two sides is Hannibal and Scipio. Machiavelli…
During Niccolỏ Machiavelli’s lifetime, Italy’s city-states were in turmoil, and he was extremely interested in the politics behind the chaos.1 Machiavelli advised principalities on the proper way to conduct themselves by using his study of human nature. His understanding of human greed, disloyalty, and predictability created a vision of politics that utilizes power for a prince to maintain stability. Machiavelli created power-politics, his vision of how to stabilize a principality, in The Prince.…
These two men have a general idea of what a leader should be like. Machiavelli has a more ideal approach to leadership in today 's world. You have to take action in order to be taken serious by your people and the enemies around you. A ruler must have the respect of the people around him/her in order to be successful. That statement goes back to the idea of it being better to be hated than to be loved, most people take advantage of or don 't respect the idea of love, so it doesn 't do any justice to be loved by everyone as a…
In his book The Prince, Machiavelli presents a theory asserting that man needs a powerful leader in order to be successful. Machiavelli felt that a Prince must act in a way that guaranteed stability and order. However, his emphasis on political convenience was not in the service of the individual power of a Prince, but in allowing that Prince to do what was necessary for the sake of the people. He argues that as a leader, one has the duty to be dishonest or otherwise deceive its people in times of need. This is further clarified when he addresses the question of whether it is better to be feared or loved.…
Presidents Obama’s commonsense immigration reform proposal has four parts. The subject in which caught most of my attention was the way immigrants can earn their citizenship. This proposal provides undocumented immigrants a legal way to earn citizenship. This would allow those hidden in shadows to come out and pay taxes and play by the rules like everyone else. Those living illegally in the U.S. would be responsible for their actions be passing national security and criminal background check, paying taxes and a penalty, also to learn English before earning their citizenship. Which I hope I can be eligible in a couple of years. There is no uncertainty about their ability to become U.S. citizens if criteria met. The proposal will also stop innocent…
A good leader is one who can stand up against the norm and take risks to uphold their state. According to Machiavelli, in his book The Prince, this includes taking actions that are not favored by the majority. Though Machiavelli was born on May 3rd, 1469 and only wrote his book in 1513, his ideas were so significant that they apply even to contemporary leaders. Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany, is facing situations that can either prove her strength as a leader or set the European Union on a road to destruction. On top of dealing with the major Greek debt crisis, she has been faced with the task of deciding how to handle the Syrian refugees. Using the examples and analysis provided by Machiavelli, Merkel’s best plan would be to pressure…