Macro- Environmental Research paper
Written by
Jessica Broughan 3283990
Adrian Kazacos 3238737
Joshua Shuean Loong Lee 3364045
Matthew Austin Priyono 3310026
Hugo Ross 3377946
Lite n Easy is an exclusively Australian business and has been ‘making it easy to eat well since 1986.’ The organisation deliver great tasting, healthy meals that make it easy to lose weight and manage your weight. It’s also a convenient solution for time poor people who are too busy to shop or cook every day. Currently Lite n Easy operate solely in Australia and are looking for a potential global expansion into Singapore.
Singapore is a melting pot of many different cultures and nationalities, providing many culturally inspired cuisines and is considered the most innovative country is the Asia Pacific region. Food is a vital part of the Singaporean lifestyle, but due to high work commitments time is limited, and preparation of food is jeopardized, but high quality food is still desired. Singapore has extremely stringent food safety regulations and guidelines that refer and these guidelines refer to all stages of food preparation, manufacturing and distribution. A comparison of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory was undertaken, the five aspects being; power distance, individualism, Masculinity & Femininity, Uncertainty avoidance and long term orientation. The results of Hofstede’s theory depict very different cultural dimensions between Australia and Singapore.
The political environment in Singapore is very stable with low corruption, low crime rates, stable ruling government, good anti-terrorism strategies and have exceptionally low tax rates, which is ideal for foreign investment. Labor laws are similar to that in Australia, as they are part of the Commonwealth and thus make it appealing and familiar to investors. A pillar of trust and a strong relationship has been formed between Australia and Singapore due to the
References: World Bank, 2013,, viewed 25/3/13 Statistics Singapore, April 2013,, viewed 25/3/13 National Environment Agency, 2013,, viewed 1/4/13 Guide Me Singapore, 2013,, viewed 22/4/13 Your Singapore, 2012,, viewed 1/4/13 Geert Hofstede, 2010,, viewed 20/3/13 Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov, 2010, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind Revised and Expanded 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill 2010. Asian one, 2013,, viewed 8/04/13 Marketline, 2013,, viewed 24/03/13 CIA World factbook, 2013,, viewed 20th March 2013 Reference List (Matthew) Encyclopaedia of the Nation, 2013, Singapore, Politics, Government and Taxation, viewed at 15 April 2013, available: Freedom House, 2010, Singapore – Freedom in the World 2010, viewed at 13 April 2013, available: Singapore Government, 2012, About the Singapore Government, viewed at 14 April 2013, available: Transparency International, 2012, Corruption Perceptions Index, viewed at 14 April 2013, available: