Nestle's initiative advances new packaging technologies: packaging executives share their most significant innovations from the past year.
Like pearls on a string, Nestle's packaging innovations in foods and beverages add more than just beauty. They bring value and culture to the company's popular and successful brands.
Nestle has been bold in embracing new packaging ideas, often being an early adopter of promising new technologies:
* It was first to commercialize the Tetra Recartretortable carton from Tetra Pak ( for "wet" shelf-stable Friskies dog food. The package launched in Italy in the spring of 2001, with subsequent roll-outs in France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Japan. The easy-open carton was more convenient and positioned the pet food as a premium product.
* It was the first--and so far only--company to test market a self-heating can for Nescafe coffee. Launched in the summer of 2001 in about 5,000 outlets throughout the U.K., the can was designed by Thermotic Developments Ltd. and made and assembled by Crown Cork & Seal ( The successful test ended about a year later "with exciting learnings for Nestle's innovation team," according to a company spokesperson.
These two examples show how Nestle's initiative bolsters the progression of new packaging technology.
Considering the size of the company, Nestle's packaging ingenuity continues at a remarkable pace (also see "Nestle's newest packs perform on a global stage" on p.35).
We asked executives on both sides of the ocean-Nestle USA and Nestle SA--to share their recent accomplishments, their gems, by answering one key question: "What packaging innovation in the last year are you most proud of and why?"
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