Oriental Mindoro National High School
Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
Every creative leader faces the challenge of building and managing a team. Managing a team is not that easy. Finding the right people in the team is half the battle. After you find them, it is your responsibility to manage the team. Great management happens on both a “micro” level and a “macro” level. Macro management skills enable journalists to make their performances in school great or better. Students excel, received awards, gained some incentives and communicate well. They improve their understanding work ethics, responsibility for the outcomes, and feedback on the work performed.
The researcher conducted this study to know the effects of using Macro management skills in the development of a Campus Journalism. Macro management is simply “managing the subordinates.” Macro management is considered more effective for employees higher up in a company. Less time is spent handling day-to-day operations and more time is spent developing new strategies. With the help of macro management journalist’s work can be easier.
The researcher came up with this idea to know the extent of Macro management skills for Development Plan, if it is relevant to the respondent and what is the benefit in being a part of the study to tell feedbacks that can help to the Journalist’s performance. Questionnaires will be used to know the different response of journalist about the study.
Better managerial skills can generate journalist’s attention towards a certain topic. The use of macro management skills can extent it’s execution for a 5 year CJDP in terms of work ethics, outcome, feedbacks, awards, communication skills, incentives, facilities, trainings and funds. This study can know the significant difference/relationship between the extent of execution of macro management
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