Wendell Berry’s “Mad Farmer liberation Front” makes a strong argument for the simple life, preservation of nature, and individualism.
Wendell Berry clearly states how Americans and people should live their lives. Berry’s points are valid and to the point; he believes that an independent person is a strong person. This very argument is ageless; used by people throughout time. One could say Wendell Berry is somewhat of a modern day Thomas Jefferson seeing how they share similar ideas. To fully understand Wendell Berry’s works more especially “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” we take a look at his life. Born to an educated farmer in rural Kentucky Wendell Berry learned at an early age how important the environment is. Later in life Berry purchased a farm of his own where he wrote and framed. Berry is a man that believes in a simple life. Wendell Berry is a man not driven by material goods but quality life pleasures. He does not take more from the earth than he needs just an enough to substance a healthy life. Berry says to stay away from greed and that greed is evil; he preaches to be your own person not a slave to industry. People are too quick to place work above everything and by doing this they rush through life never really knowing what it is like to live. Americans like members of all societies judge one another based on the most ridiculous of reasons. Reasons like wealth, appearance, or capacity to learn these are not ways to judge a person simply because there is no proper way to judge another human. Wendell Berry says to give approval to all and go against the system, because everything the system gets its hands on is no longer pure. This simplistic way of life along with the abundance of time spent in nature enlightened Berry to the fact that all good things come from the earth. This very mindset is one that Wendell Berry has spent his life time practicing and writing about. “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”