Final Essay
Made In the Image of God
The idea of the image of God dwells at the heart of the biblical doctrine of humanity. In that regarding to man, both male and female, in one form or another resembles the Creator, and therefore provides important and significant value and meaning for the human race. A biblical worldview and the image of God would have to begin with God in the book of Genesis, first chapter, verse one. It is seeing the world, the beginning, people in the world, the issues of the world, and the future of the world through God’s Spoken Word. The Bible declares we (humans) are created in God’s image and some of us get the meaning of this wrong. Most people think this refers to being creative, sentient, knowing right from wrong, etc. On the contrary, each person formed in the image of God, has unique talents, full of dignity and gifts to use to glorify God. Many believers fail to discover their vocation because they do not totally comprehend what it means to be made in the image of God. Over the years, believers have heard pastors and theologians say repeatedly that their created in the image of God, but what does that mean? It is a complicated idea. However, the image of God is the foundational idea for understanding our worth and purpose in life, which starts in Genesis 1: 26-28, commonly referred to as imago Dei. [[?]] Understanding how being created in God’s image; helps us understand our primitive worth as a creation made by The Heavenly Father. There is much discussed regarding the words “image” and “likeness in verse 26.” Some arguing the different distinctions between the two, while other imply that they can be used interchangeably. [[?]] All things considered there is a lot to be said for the former concept, but modern scholars favor the latter. After creating humanity God instantly imposes on them the responsibility of caring and ruling over the created order. In Genesis 5: 1-3
Bibliography: C.F.H. Henry "Image of God." in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, ed. Elwell, A. Walter. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2001, 591-94 C.S The Serendipity Study Bible, NIV Fully Revised, Littleton, Colorado: Zondervan, 1989 [1] C.F.H Elwell, 2nd Ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001), 591.