Clair Kent
BUAD 230 - Marketing Principles
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Made to Stick Reaction Paper There comes a time in everyone’s life when we want to make an impression, leave an impact, and make an idea “stick” in the mind of another. On a personal level, we may want to make an impression on the mind of a younger sibling not to delve into the world of dangerous drugs, or on a more professional level, we may work in the advertising business and be responsible for selling a product to the masses. Sadly some of the most important messages are forgotten or deemed unimportant by our subconscious, which prefers to remember incredible urban legends. “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath strives to examine why our brains mislead us so and what it is that defines a “sticky” idea.
Dan and Chip Heath both have extensive experience in the education field. “Dan worked as a researcher and case writer for Harvard Business School. Chip Heath is a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching courses on business strategy and organizations (” Most importantly, both brothers have focused on what makes people remember messages, and to take the next step, what makes people act on the idea. This makes them both very credible …show more content…
Stickiness has to do with how well our brains are able to process, retain, and regurgitate an idea or story. The stickiest ideas have several main points in common, which explains why some of the most unbelievable urban legends are sometimes the best remembered and often spread like wild-fire without a touch of validity. What sticks? Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Stories…or in a word SUCCESs! These six points are reflected in every memorable story, or legend that has ever been told and remembered. While each of these points seems basic and fairly obvious, it is often difficult to actually apply these principles in day-to-day