Students should look at the positive aspects of being in college and getting an education. Being in college and getting an education is important, because a lot of jobs require a degree. Positive motivation in working toward one’s goal is also a good virtue to practice while accomplishing an educational goal. Discipline and patience can also play a big role in accomplishing goals and staying on track to get a well-rounded education.…
In Erik Larson’s “Devil in the White City” his character Olmstead said “that we are always personally under an agitating pressure and cloud of anxiety.” This quote directly resonates with my life and how I subject myself and my body to physiological symptoms of anxiety, especially towards things that are not that serious. One task that causes me to feel uncomfortable is calling a stranger on the phone. I will delay making the call even if it’s regarding a minor question such as finding out the opening and closing times for a store. It’s on the edge of becoming a professional handicap, because calling is a useful way to get a faster reply. Still, I would rather opt for sending an email regardless of how time consuming it will be to get a response.…
Firstly, the writer is trying to appeal to the students because they mostly hear the refrain that “you won’t get anywhere without your education” as referred back to the first paragraph in this article. The writer connects to the students by stating that education is important,…
Attending the University of Wisconsin Madison has always been an aspiration of mine. Every aspect that the university possesses fits me perfectly. Plus, it has earned a reputation for being one of the top colleges in the Nation for its impressive academics and scholarly community. UW-Madison has been able to accomplish this stature by including something for everybody.…
My goal in life is to be a good citizen of United States and I believe this can be accomplished through education. I believe that education is the fundamental key to a child's success. Whether it’s in academics, athletics, or community service, my experiences create opportunities for me to learn lessons in order to impact my community and benefit my future.…
Growing up, most parents and educators tell children to be successful and live a happy life you have to attend college. However, this is not always true. People who do not obtain a college degree are not necessarily unsuccessful. Some people are intellectually challenged and have disabilities that do not let them perform at a high level. Also, America’s economy has risen drastically that some households cannot afford college tuition. College is not for everyone, and there are many things students and families should consider before enrolling.…
Many people can agree that with a good education, you can save yourself from working at a job that has a lot of hard labor, and can give yourself a career that you have always dreamed of having. In order to get a great education and relieve yourself from a job one wouldn’t want to have, one must attend a good school that is well operated, such in the way that they teach the right materials, and is properly funded so one can get the most out of the learning experience. Some schools may be funded differently because of their location and previous history on academics. Here in America, many schools are different from those from other countries. Authors such as Eleanor J. Bader, Jonathan Kozol, and Anu Partanen address issues about students and…
Everyone wants to go to a high school where they’re going to be accepted in or simply to find out what they’re going want to do later in their life. A high school where students will grow and make a difference because it is not about just graduating and you’re done. It is about making memories and making it the best four years of the students’ life. Then, continuing that journey once they’re finished with high school because they have seen how much they have accomplished in those four years. Going to a great high school can change their life and make a difference because not every high school is the same. Students need to believe there are more to be done with their life. This is for the young people who are concerned about finding a career…
My educational goals can be said to be broken down into three parts that are really the means to my ends which is the fourth and most important goal. First, Im working on getting good grades in every class, I want to work on having and maintaining a high competitive GPA. My second goal is to get my Bachelors in Political Science in an ideal time frame of two more years. My third goal and one that is out of my hands, one may say, is getting a scholarship. I know there is a large amount of competitive students in the school, who are well deserving of scholarships but I need this scholarship to alleviate my parents from their stress and hard work to keep up with my payments. The last and really my main goal, where my eyes are set and where I,…
My journey of life has lead me on many different experiences and allowed my to acquire many valuable skills I will take throughout my life. From being a involved in volunteer programs from kids with disabilities, being a member of National Honor Society, to my first job, I have learned leadership, team work, responsibilities, patience, creativity, and quick thinking. Overall, I want to be involved on campus while still getting good grades in the classroom and with the skills I have acquired through my life, I believe I will be able to achieve this goal and be an asset to the college I wish to attend.…
There’s ways to design typical kids to go to college. While doing a college research, it is important to know what concerns kids from what kinds of colleges they want to go before they apply for one. Some kids don’t know where they want to go, even I don't know where to go yet, and I’m still deciding if I want to go an out of state college or not. I applied to two colleges at Chandler Gilbert Community, and ASU. I want to still take E.V.I.T. for next year, but it takes critical time to consume about where to go after that. Now I’m taking Information technology, getting into softwares, and knowing how to use them when getting a computer in the future will come in handing. This enlightened by having a new lifetime of a typical college student, who characterized by the amount of time spent as in when they are studying, attending classes, and knowing what people want to grow up as. I would want to help kids of where they need to go to college, and how to earn a major or scholarship of what they're interested in.…
Have you ever wondered how far your education can take you? Everyone wants to live The American Dream, and with that dream comes The American Dream of Education. Society expects us to do well in school and graduate with the highest degree in college. This does not come easy to most Americans. John Taylor Gatto the author of “Against School” says “help kids take an education rather than merely receive a schooling.” (143). What Gatto means by saying that is that even though we are given the opportunity for a free education we still must choose between just receiving the education, because it’s the law, or being focused and motivated and take the education given…
Graduation for Fort LeBoeuf senior class is almost here, the stress of last minute decisions on where we want to go to school and constantly being asked what do you want to be when you done with school. I have set many goals for myself as a senior at Fort LeBoeuf for my plans after high school. I plan to attend Edinboro University for four years to major in Social Work and minor in Criminal Justice. I plan to excel in these subjects as my education is important to me. I will work hard and be the best student I can be and take every chance I can get to open doors for the future, and to make these next four years at Edinboro the best years so I can be successful in these fields. At the end of these next four years I plan to graduate and apply…
My name is Viangkaeo Lee. I’m applying for this scholarship because I want to get a superior education in the future. I personally believe I will do better in life with an education and will work hard to keep my grade point average of 4.0. In addition, I also believe I am deserving of this award. With this award, I will be able to continue my studies, and become a nurse. As a student in middle school, I continually push myself so I can grow as a person. Some of my goals are to continue to get good grades, graduate from high school and attend college. I want to go to my high school graduation ceremony and officially attend college with a major in the medical field. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to help people. My career goal is to become a nurse. I am empathetic, patient, flexible, and hardworking. By majoring in medical field, I feel I will be able to utilize my care-taking skills.…
Ambition is important, but having the means to pursue my ambition is essential. A more privileged person may not comprehend the magnitude of scholarships and financial awards to secure educational success, but I do. I do not take this lightly, nor do I take it for granted. I believe that I have worked hard, but even that does not guarantee success. This scholarship will enable me to obtain my degree and begin my dream of being a professional in the medical field.…