Hamlet was known as the madman of the book. After the death of his father and his mother marrying his uncle that killed king Hamlet., the ghost (of old hamlet) says “,The serpent that did sting Hamlet’s father’s life/Now wears his crown.” The ghost also goes onto to say “that that in lestuous, that adulterate beast,/ with traitorous gifts won to his shameful lust / the will of old hamlet's most seeming virtuous …show more content…
Not only one,but two seem to have lost their minds due to death. Hamlet sung the crazy songs and said things nobody understood, and acted as if had totally lost in which was a lie. Hamlet said several times during the play that he infact wasn't mad at all. In act 2.2 Hamlet tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he is mad only on occasion,”I am but mad north-north-west” later in act 3.4, Hamlet tells his mother that he “essentially am not in madness/ but mad in craft.” Ophelia on the other hand tells noone that she is mad. she comes to the queen in act 4.5 and her gentle woman tells Gertrude that Ophelia is “importunate \ indeed distract: / her mood will need be pitied.” Then in act 4.7, Laertes says to Claudius that he's lost his father to death and his sister to psychological desperation.
There isn't any doubt on who really went mad in this book. Hamlet was mad, but wasn't the crazy kind of mad. He is angry at the fact that his father was murdered. Ophelia actually played the truly mad role of the this book. She let the emotions take over her state of mind. Ophelia's character was made more weak than men. She couldn't handle the pain and suffering. Ophelia and Hamlet both went through trials and troubles, but only Hamlet could handle it. This entire book deals with madness both fake and real. It shows just how it affects people and how differently people take